Vampires and Birumans

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Some say cold blooded killers live in these parts. I don’t believe it, but my friends do. Thats why i’m here, thats why i’m standing at the entrance of the forest. They dared me to spend the night in there. I’ve heard about people going in there and never coming out but i’m not going to let fears of myths take over me. 

My friends cheer as I step one foot by another getting deeper and deeper into the forest. I pace my quickening breath and heartbeats. After what seemed like an hour of walking I looked down at my watch. It’s already 6:00pm. It will get dark soon. The twigs snap under my feet as I set up camp....well not really camp, but camp fire. All I have with me are: The clothes on my body, a knife, matches, a small sleeping bag, a torch, water, and some energy bars. The full moon is now arising from behind the rocky mountains. Theres been no sign of anything unnatural. I feel a gush of wind brush against my cheek which sends shivers down my spine. I need to get some more wood for the fire. I grab my torch and knife and head down the forest a little. I manage to get enough firewood to last the night. 

I make my way back up to the camp fire, but somethings different. The fires out and i’m sure it would have last another 30 minutes or so. I hear twigs snap from behind me. I swiftly turn to face 5 very familiar human shaped figures. “Hello love, what’s your name?” The blonde one asks. “Haley G-gold” I reply. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. How old are you?”. “S-seventeen” I stutter. My mind wanders off. I know these boys from somewhere, but where...... I KNOW! IT’S ONE DIRECTION!!! “Lou, we have already had our feed today. Lets just take her home and save her for tomorrow” The chocolate brown, curly haired says. Wait WHAT. ALREADY HAD THEIR FEED, SAVE HER FOR TOMORROW!? “Your right Haz. Liam, Zayn, you guys get her and bring her back to the house” Louis announces. The two boys grab my arms. I squirm to get out of their grip, but it’s hopeless. “W-what are you doing?” I ask. “You’ll see” Zayn replies. Before I know it, i’m out like a lightbulb.

***Morning, 7:30am***

I awaken in a big room, it looks like a basement. ‘Where am I?’ I think to myself, trying to think of what happened last night. Suddenly it came to me... One Direction kidnapped me. At that moment the 5 boys walked in and walked towards me. “Good morning” Zayn says handing me a plate of toast. “What do you want from me!?” I snap at them. They chuckle. “Just you wait and see. We’re going to the forest. You stay here with Niall” Liam explains, walking out with the other boys except Niall. “I’m sorry love” Niall says. “For what?” I growl. “For taking you from the forest” he replies. “Well then why don’t you let me go!” I mumble. “Because if I do, you’ll tell the pol-” I cut him off. “NO NIALL, YOU DON’T KNOW ME! I WOULDN’T TELL THE POLICE, AND WHAT WOULD I TELL THEM, THAT ONE DIRECTION KIDNAPPED ME? SADLY I DON’T THINK ANYONE WOULD BELIEVE ME!” I yell in one breath. I calmed down. “I’m sorry Niall. I know it wasn’t all your fault” I apologized. He walked to me and put a comforting arm around me. “It’s okay, I forgive you”. “Haley, can I trust you with a major secret?” Niall asks. I nod. “The boys and I are....” He pauses. “Are what” I ask. “We’re vampires”. A gasp escapes my mouth. “That would explain the boys red eyes” I whisper. “Your not going to hurt me are you?” I ask worriedly. “Me, no not me. The boys want to take your blood, but you know what, I won’t let them” He  says. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hug him tightly. “Thank you” I whisper in his ear.

The rest of the morning Niall and I had gotten to know each other very well. He’s a really funny guy, it feels as if he’s just another human. We were sitting on the couch laughing when the other boys came in through the front door. “Niall, why are you playing with our food!?” Zayn asks in a flat tone. “You’re not going to feed off of her” Niall answers back. “What, did you just say!?” Zayn threatens. “I said you’re not going to feed off of her” Niall argues, staring Zayn right in the eye with an aggressive look in his eyes. “And besides, you’ll get in trouble because I marked her” Niall almost yells. “YOU WHAT!?” Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam say at the same time. “Thats right, I marked her” He repeats. “Prove it” Laim says. Niall pulls me off the couch to stand beside him. He grabs my wrist, pulling up my sleeve and revealing a birthmark saying ‘Niall’. “But it’s impossible for an immortal to fall for just a mortal” Harry says. “Well i’ve proven everyone wrong” Niall says looking me in the eyes.

We all go off and do our own thing, but I follow Niall to his room. We walk through his door and sit on his bed. “What did the boys mean by ‘it’s impossible for an immortal to fall for just a mortal’?” I ask. “It’s true. No supernatural creature has ever fallen for a human before” He answers. “And who were you talking about? Do you have a girlfriend?” I ask.

“You, I was talking about you. I’m falling hard, knowing that we just met, but I can’t help it. When you love someone, you’ll do anything for them” Niall speaks. I smile. “You love me!?” I ask amazed at how fast he falls. He nods. “Wow, i’ve never heard anyone say that to me before!” I announce. “Why, haven’t your parents or friends?” He asks. “No, my parents passed away in a car crash 10 years ago, and ever since i’ve been living with my evil adopted mother. My friends were never really true friends” I explained, looking down. Niall wrapped his arms around me. I lay my head on his shoulder. “Don’t worry love, were your new family” He whispered in my ear. “Let’s go shopping for your supplies!” I smile from ear to ear.

“NANDO’S” Niall shouted, almost bursting our eardrums. “COME ON GUYS, LETS GO, I’M STARVING!” Niall jokes. “Just kidding, Human food doesn’t satisfy our hunger for blood” Ni explains. I nod. “BUT SERIOUSLY GUYS, COME ON!” Ni calls again. The boys and I pile into the car on our way to Nando’s. “Listen Haley, Were sorry about yesterday!” Harry calls from the back. “It’s okay, I forgive you!” I exclaimed.


Niall drags us into Nando’s and to a free table. “What do you guys want?” Niall asks. “Whatever’s good” I reply. “Right, the whole menu then!?” Niall laughs.

*An hour later, getting food*

“Here you go, any thing else?” The waiter asks, putting our meal on the table. “No thanks” Liam replies. Ni wasn’t kidding about ordering the whole menu! I couldn’t decide on what to eat first and it seems as if the time I would have decided, Niall would have eaten it all!

*1 Meal later*

“Hey guys i’m just going to the bathroom” I say getting up from the table. I make my way into the bathroom. I walk to the mirror, checking my make up Ni bought me. “Haley?” An unfamiliar voice called. I turn and see a red haired girl and a tall brown haired girl covering her mouth and whispering something in her ear. “Hello” I say unsure if they were even talking to me. They walk to me. “Hi i’m Ava and this is Aria!” The red hair blurts out. “Nice to meet you, and it seems you already know my name!”. They smile and nod. Suddenly a wolf bursts through the bathroom window. “What are you doing here, Mutt?” Aria growls through her teeth at it. I run and hide behind the counter watching them. White birdlike wings appear on the girls backs. They fight with the wolf, Slamming it against the wall. Slowly killing it. Finally it falls to the ground. “Aria, you take care of the Mutt, i’ll take care of Haley” Ava explains. Aria nods, picking up the wolf and heading out the window. “Hey Haley it’s okay, he’s gone” Ava says helping me up. “What the hang was that? I’m mean what are you?” I ask confused. “I’m a biruman. Half bird, half human” she explains. “And you are too....”


Wow, that took me a very small amount of time to write! Probably coz I get so into it!!!

I hope liked it peeps



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