~Full of loneliness~

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     "April, you there?"
     "Yeah. Sorry what'd you say?" The girl asked, looking her friend in her eyes.
       "I said there's gonna be a raid today."

        " Yeah Megumi, how'd you know?" April asked, looking up from her book at her friend. Megumi chuckled awkwardly and smiled at her friend.

          "Jeez. Carter told me." The girl admitted and April creased her brows in thought. Before sighing at Megumi.

       "Carter Reign?" April asked and Megumi shyly nodded, blush on her face and chest.

      "Hmm. You know it's only you that calls him by his name, right? To everyone else it's Professor Reign, the Mountain Geography professor".

     "You don't have to point that out every time y'know" Megumi said before walking away.

    "Shit" April murmured, as Megumi walked away. She closed her book and groaned. Why was she such an insensitive little bitch. This was her goddamn best friend since they were four. She stood up to get to the hall.

     "Why like a professor, that's messed up." She muttered underneath her breath.


Tue, June 25
Mountain  Academy of Reputable Scholars. (M.A.R.S)

   "Hey, April wait up!." A blonde haired girl yelled, running through Dew hall's hallways, trying to get to her friend. The girl eventually caught up to her chestnut haired friend, taking in large breaths.

    "Oh. Hi Meg" April said, and continued walking on, Megumi now by her side.

  "What lesson you've got first?" Megumi asked, as they past Dew Fountain, the main piece of Dew Hall. At which the path split.

  The first path at the south, the one they were coming from, led out of the hall. The second path, led to the first section classes, for Physics, Physics 101, Physics Breakdown and Physics Divulge. That was called 'Dew Ristty' and it was at the west. The third path led to the 6 physics laboratories. Two for each. It was at the north and was called 'Dew Plarre'. The final path led to the equipment rooms. The tool store and the material store. There was also the room where people normally hung out when waiting for classes or just to hang out. It was at the east and it was called 'Dew Carrp'.

  "Umm. That'll be Physics Di- ohhh" April cut herself off with a groan and hated her life. "Why the hell do I even offer physics at all?" She added irritated. Megumi laughed at this, catching attention of passersby.

  "Because you said ' I ain't offerin' history, not in this lifetime. What can I replace it with?' And V.C. Colin had offered you Physics and you didn't let him tell you that you'd do 101, breakdown and divulge before your dumb ass screamed yes, signed and skipped out of his office screaming 'I hate Abraham Lincoln and everything else that has to do with history, especially you  Professor Marffield' Which got you prep time the day before we went home for Christmas.So now you're stuck with it through out final year, as well as for final year exams. It also counts for 20% of your college results. All because you don't like Abraham Lincoln's beards"  Megumi finished off with a bow seating at the table.

   "When did we get to the break room? I thought we were going to Dew Ristty?"  April asked and scratched her head.

  "You weren't paying attention." Megumi countered and April technically couldn't argue because it  was true.

   "Well now, I hate Isaac Newton and everything else that has to do with Physics. Especially Professor Sarah. What the heck!!" She yelled and everyone in the lunch room broke out laughing.

   "Miss. Ilaya, seems you love the prep room so much" A loud voice boomed and April froze. 'fuck' she thought. She decided to play it out cool.

  "Hey, V.C Colin. How's it going?" She asked and Megumi face palmed at her best friend's antics. Colin rolled his eyes before addressing the students.

  "I believe that the majority are here so I will make this very important announcement here. Now the 3 physics professors, Mrs. Sarah of 101, Mr. Nuke of Breakdown and Mr. Rivv of Divulge  all simultaneously dropped in their resignation letters saying that they are all tired of the mutiny of the students. Upon hearing this, the Ministry of Education sent us a single teacher for a replacement saying he is highly capable. So everyone else's schedule has been rewired. So those with Physics Divulge you all still have that but the rest go to the new schedule on the board and get your new schedules. This should not be a distraction." He left after which made April yell and place her head on the table while Megumi got up to check because she was supposed to have 101 that morning. She returned happy and tapped April.

   "I have Mountain Geography now." Megumi said and April groaned annoyed.

  "I get you're happy but Vista Hall is on the other side of the college. That like a 100m walk or even 200 or 300 if I'm not mistaken." April pointed out and Megumi giggled.

  "That's not an issue. He could always pick me up. P.s it's 654m away. "

  "Fuck you and your straight A's in Terrain Geography. Now call your man to pick you up so your sappy conversation can give me the energy to walk away".

   "Whatever" Megumi replied as she called Professor Reign. On the first beep he picked up.

   "Sweetheart? What's up?" Professor Reign asked as soon as he answered, knowing that most times she doesn't call him till about 2 pm. She just chuckled.

  " Baby, I just got a lesson switch abruptly." She said and he laughed at this. April just shook her head at her friend.

  "What do you have now?"  He asked sounds of papers flipping heard in the background.

  "Umm... Mountain Geography". The line went silent and soon. The sound of drawers opening, books closing and a chair moving and footsteps.

   "So you are at Dew Hall and you have a lesson at Vista Hall which is exactly 654.3142599m far?" He asked. April mouthed 'show off' to which Megumi almost laughed.


     A car door opens and closes.

  "I'll be there in ten minutes sweetheart."

  "Baby, Ten minutes is too much I'll be late."

  "Sweetheart, I'm the professor, it's my lesson and you're pardoned."

  "Love you baby."

  "Love you too." She hung up the call and jumped in victory.

  " You two are so sappy. How did you even manage him."

  "He is just 26."

  "Are you serious? He started after he finished college." Megumi nodded. "In that case there's only a four year gap. Not bad." At this Megumi hugged her friend and started telling her how they met. They didn't notice time fly and a honk was heard. Megumi stood up and walked away after bidding her friend goodbye.

  "Here goes nothing" April said and stood up, walking to the Physics Divulge class and sitting at her usual seat at the back. After about 10 minutes a door opening was heard and she began pulling her earbuds and when she looked up, a man in a grey suit was placing his things on the table backing her. He had a very muscular yet perfect shaped back. She looked at his back till he turned round and her breathing hitched. She was salivating. 'What the hell' she thought.

  "Good Morning class. Im Ciro Salvadore Biagio and I am your new physics Professor. So let's get started. Today we're gonna look at a topic you know as Equilibrium."

It was now that April snapped out of it. Damn he was fine. It was shocking. He has thick silky jet back hair that he slicked back. A stubble that he clearly wasn't planning on shaving off and a very very sharp jaw. Not the superman type, the 'daddy' type. Now, she wasn't the type to care but, all the girls clearly saw what she was seeing too. It was way too obvious. His Italian accent set her off. It was thick and evident. Was she really appealed by a college professor. It was saddening. She couldn't be missing him that much. She sighed to herself.

It was gonna be a long final year.

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