You're More Than A Pet To Me by Pensoulvannia

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Here we are, sitting under the tree

Just you and me my little bee

Looking at the clouds in the sky

While you're lying next to me

Our love has grown deep

You are one of the friends I would keep

Because you will be true to me

Forever until the dayyou'll leave me

You're more than a pet to me

That's how we are

A loyal friend is what you'll always be

That's what you made me see

You will always be my little pea

You brought my faceinto a glee

You are my only trustee

You set my heart free

From all these troubles, I foresee

Your presence is the key

To make my bad dayhappy

Sometimes you're a gardener

You dig the flowerbeds in our backyard

Sometimes you're an artist

You made art on our carpet

Sometimes you're a chef

My kitchen becomes amess

Sometimes you're a doctor

You heal me from my distress

Sometimes you're a guard

You protect me from the intruders

Sometimes you're clown

You make me remove myfrown

That's what you are

My little star

You are my happy pill

You fill my heart with joy

Your company I enjoy

You make all my negativity disappear

As you turn it intopositivity, my dear

You've been my superhero

Especially at that time I felt zero

Because you had saved me

From being lonely

You made me slowly realize

I still have acompany with me

Now you're the one that's gone

How will I live on my own?

I'll be forever alone

That's not what I truly want

My heart is all torn

Knowing how you suffered all along

I'll forever mourn

But I know you're right where you belong

You're right by the side of God

In that way, even in a short time,

I feel a little bit calm

But that doesn't meanI'll forget their crime

I will make sure to give you justice

This I would promise

My little furbaby

Even though it cost me a lot of money,

I'll make sure there's no more murder

And any more torture

Will have to occur

Just wait a littlelonger

These heartless people

They are so evil

They make my heart fill with anger

I wish for them to suffer

I want to hunt them down

Bring their deathsaround

But that's not how it should be

We should not use our emotions

We should use our connections

Like, use the social platform

To open up awareness

To all the pets we had witnessed

That had been gone from us

In the hands of thesemonsters

I still see the memories of my buddy

How you were so funny

Whenever he took a bath and became muddy

How you love playing with your rubber ducky

How you love me to rub your tummy

How are you too chubby

And very fuzzy

I remembered how cute you yawned

And run around my lawn

But the friend I have adored

Who had made me feel strong

Is now just a memory

Today on people who kill helpless pets I scorn

I will forget, but never forgive these fools

I only have one question

What did he do wrong?

To be in that kind ofbrutal situation

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