3. Get this over with.

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Gracie couldn't help but think that it was her fault. If she hadn't shown Abby that, Abby wouldn't have sent her away. It never would've happened if Gracie didn't sneak out in the first place. But what probably hurt the most was the fact that Abby was mad at her. How could Gracie be so stupid?

Gracie opened the door to the lodge and was greeted by everyone already up, talking over each other.

"So, where the hell are they?"

"I don't fuckin' know, man!"

"Gracie took my turn for watch, do you think something happened?"

"What? Why?"

"Can all of you please shut the fuck up?!"

Gracie furrowed her eyebrows and walked further into the room, clearing her throat. She hadn't expected anyone to wake up, and she certainly hadn't expected them to make this much of a fuss. "Uh...good morning."

Manny was the first one to turn around. "Gracie, Jesus Christ," he walked over, muttering something under his breath and then wrapping his arms around her.

Gracie widened her eyes. Why were they all so panicked? "Hey," she forced an awkward smile and patted Manny's back a few times.

"Where's Abby?" Owen stormed over to Gracie, his tone demanding. Manny pulled away from the hug, stepping aside and rubbing his forehead. Everyone just stared at Gracie, expecting an answer.

Gracie shrugged. "She's just looking at something."

"What?" Owen practically yelled, moving his face closer to Gracie's.

"Oh, my god, Owen," Gracie groaned in frustration. She glanced over at Mel, who was just staring at the floor. "Get off Abby's back, seriously. Don't you think you should be more concerned about your girlfriend than your ex?"

Everyone fell silent for just a moment while Gracie stormed over to the couch, sitting down and rubbing her hands over her face for a moment. Did they not realize that she already felt bad enough? She wouldn't have left Abby if Abby didn't literally yell at her to. Sometimes, people like Owen mistook kindness and understanding for immaturity and petulance. Gracie was far from it, in her mind anyway.

Owen let out a small scoff for a laugh. "Yeah, whatever. Where is she?"

"Oh, yeah," Gracie tilted her head in a sarcastic gesture. "Let me just check the fucking tracking device I put on her. Really, Owen?"

Abby was more than capable of handling herself out there. She could take down infected with her bare hands. Besides, she had her gun on her. Of course Gracie was worried, but she didn't want to upset Abby anymore. She was still mentally berating herself for leaving her.

"I'm sure she's fine," Manny placed a hand on Owen's shoulder, who was quick to shrug him off.

"What if she's not?"

A tense silence filled the room as everyone stared at Owen, each with a confused expression on their face. Sure, he was concerned for his friend, but this type of concern seemed like something you'd show for someone more than that.

Gracie didn't like it. She was okay with Owen himself, even though he pissed her off from time to time, but the heartbroken look on Mel's face said it all. Abby wouldn't want this, she herself would be telling Owen to stop if she was here.

"Why don't we all take a breather?" Nora suggested. "Abby can handle herself, we all know that. No need to yell at Gracie for this."

"Thank you," Gracie muttered, rubbing her eyes as she felt the gentle placement of Nora's hand on her shoulder.

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