baking!! 🍁☂️ (fluff)

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(lets act like its kazuhas birthday.. ehe.)

Scara woke up at exactly 5 in the morning to bake for his boyfriends birthday.. he was never really good at making food but he was gonna try, for his sweetheart.

"ugh.. first i do this.. and then that.." he said, he was currently following the steps in the video shown.

"Then.. i pour the batter in here and put it in the oven.." he said, then he puts it in the oven..

He forgot about the food in the oven for a while and when he opened it.. it was literally burnt.

"What the-!? Ugh.. ill.. ill try again." He complained.

He tried and tried.. he couldn't seem to get the perfect cake.. either it had too much flour or too much egg put in it.. or it was just burnt

"This is too hard!!" He plopped down on the floor "..i have to keep trying.. this is for kazuha!" He gave himself some courage before trying one more.

He puts the usual ingredient, flour, egg, sugar, etc, he finally puts it in the oven and keeps a close eye on it..

When ir was done, he quickly opened the oven and gets it out.. the perfect cake! Finally.

He starts putting icing and decorated it with red and orange candy, then maple leaf type of candy,

After the cake, he baked some cupcakes and more,


"huh..? Whats that smell.. it smells so good." Kazuha said then ran downstairs, seeing scara bake and cook

"Darling? Whats all these?" He chuckled, then scara replied with "here comes the birthday boy~ happy birthday, my dearest love." Scara greeted him and kissed his cheeks

"Is this all.. for me? Since when did u learn to bake, darling?" Kazuha asked scara, and he replied with "i learned it all.. just for you, baby."

"Awww~! Thank you, sweetheart, your the best!" Kazuha said


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