Author's note

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Hi! it's klumie, this is my first ever published story, english is not my first language, so expect typos, grammatical errors, and other errors you might find in the story.

A comment/feedack/review would be nice to let me know about your thoughts in my story, i will take any criticism and learn from it, i appreciate it very much.

This story may not be everyone's cup of tea, so i suggest you to read other people's work.

Klumie has suggestion in every chapters, which is to listen to a song on loop.

Chapter 1 - Hayloft by Mother Mother
Chapter 2 - Hayloft II by Mother Mother

The story's pov will mostly be Third Person's View.

Please read with caution as this story may contain vulgar words and action, sensitive contents, and more. Read at your own risk.

Thank you!

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