The girl, the dad, and the guy

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*klumie would like you to listen the song above on loop for this chapter :)*

"oh, Ana, the world is too cruel, you must look after yourself."

Those were her mother's last words before she "disappeared" at least that's what her dad told her. Ever since her mom disappeared, her father got worst, she would recieve life threatining abuse from her dad, all because she looks exactly like her mother, and that makes her dad's blood boil.

Little Ana decided to live inside their barn, she made a little loft out of hay on the 2nd storey of the barn. That hayloft was her escape, that hayloft was her comfort zone, she would never intend to leave. But she had to, everytime her father calls for her, She had to leave her little loft. Afraid that her dad would find out, afraid that her dad would burn down the barn with her cow friends. She really didn't have a choice, she was just a young kid, living in a cruel world with none other than her cruel father.

Ana then grew up to be an optimistic young teen, at such a young age, she basically became her own parent, she had a lot of potential. Ana's optimistic mind always tells her, that when she graduates, she would start a new life at the city, but the only things that's stopping her was her father. Her father forbids her to go to school,

"for fuck's sake Ana! it would be a waste of money and time to send you to school. A stupid kid like you doesn't belong there, now fuck off and feed the chickens! fucking useless!"

Ana is too afraid to ask again, she would get the same answer and beating again.

Her life suddenly changed, when a young man who happens to pass by saw her, the guy lives on the village not too far away from the farm.

"It's my first time seeing you, do you live here? is Mr. Gerard your father?"

Ana is too shocked to speak, he has never seen nor talked to a boy other than her dad her whole life.

"hey? are you alright?"

The young man asked, he saw that the girl seems to be troubled, distracted, scared. No, he can't understand her at all.

"y-you can't be here!"

Ana shouted at him while running back inside the barn, The young guy was puzzled, but he swore to visit her again some other day.

"m-my name's..... Ana"

Ana whispered at the same guy, Ana swore that she would interact with him when she sees him again. this 2nd encounter, Ana was hesitant, but still blurted out her name.

"Nice to meet you Ana!"

The young guy greeted her with a warm smile.

"My name's Francis! I'm from the village down the street, have you ever been to the village? no? do you want to come with me? i'll show you around!"

The young guy seems to be enthusiastic about Ana.

"s-sorry, Francis, m-my Pops forbids me to go to the village.."

The young guy was a little sad but he was optimistic, he wants to be with ana, and Ana feels the same.

"it's okay, let's just sit here and chat!"

Ana feels comfort from the young guy, it's the same feeling whenever she's in her little hayloft, she feels safe.

They soon became young lovers, Ana told Francis her little hayloft at the barn, and would love to bring Francis there someday. Ana is still young, and has more to learn, she knows that francis is the love of her life, she never felt this safe ever before. Ana thinks she love him, and thinks that he loves him too. But it was just the adolescense in him that wants ana, his sexual needs wants ana.

One night, while Pops was in his shack, where he does his illegal businesses, and consumes his illegal substances, Ana knew that he would be in there for a while. Ana invited francis in her hayloft at the barn. They talked while Francis stares at Ana's every curve, Ana is a little scared and cautious.

"oh, Ana, don't worry, this is what lovers do."

Francis assured Ana with a dirty motive towards her. They are two lovers in the hayloft, those two lovers are not sleeping, The young guy did everything to satisfy his sexual needs, but it was not enough for him. Ana was scared, Ana didn't know what to do, Ana is still young, she didn't know, and she didn't have a choice. Ana thought it was okay, and it was right because they are lovers.

Her dad left the shack, he heard creaking noises from the old barn, with one thing in mind, she grabbed his rifle from the shack and marched towards the barn.

Ana saw her dad from her little makeshift window, carrying a gun, she pushed francis away,

"m-my dad.. my dad's got a gun! you better run francis!"

Ana ordered Francis while getting dressed, there isn't much time, Francis needs to leave now.

While Ana was busy guiding Francis to escape, she didn't notice that her pops is already behind them, Pops raised the gun and hit them in the back of their head using the rifle's grip, they both lost unconsciousness.

Ana woke up, her feet and hands were tied. Her father was unaware that she had already woken up. Ana witnessed as her father shot Francis in the head, down to his chest, and down to his manhood. Ana, shocked from what she witnessed, tried to scream, but no voice would come out of her mouth. she just watched her lover get shot 3 times.

Pops doused Francis' body and the barn with gasoline, he then exited the barn and threw his cigarette in the spilled gas. Her father plans to get rid of the bodies by burning them, unaware that her daughter, Ana is still alive.

Ana is a very smart girl, she moved by the fire to burn off the rope in her tied hands, she then used her burnt hands to free her feet and legs. She observed Francis' burning body one last time, he's now unrecognizable. She ran away from the barn, she ran away from the farm, she finally ran away from her father.

She's still young, she didn't know what to do, she didn't have a choice. She ran away, never intended to turn back. With nowhere to go, she fled to the village, she's still traumatized to ask for a stranger's help, she's still traumatized that no voice would come out whenever she tries to talk, or scream. She thought, that if she can't have anyone to help her, she'll help herself no matter the circumstance, even if she had to do things that would reignite what happened tonight.

"Oh, Ana, the world is too cruel."


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