Oh, Ana

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*Klumie would like you to listen the song above on loop for this chapter :) *

What happened to the young lovers? One got shot, the other got lost in the city, with no one to help her, she had to help herself, but she got lost in drugs. Those drugs were her only way to forget the bloody history.

What happened at the Hayloft? burned to the ground together with Francis, Ana's lover.

Ana was not ready for the city, at such a young age she was exposed to the dark corners of the city, drugs, punks, gangs, and dirty businesses.

"Get lost!"
"Fuck off!"

Ana hears those words everywhere and everytime she asks for a little help, She could not understand at all, She didn't know what's wrong, She didn't have a choice.

Ana would steal just to survive, she would kill if she had to, but she made a promise. She promised to herself that her father's life will be the first and the last life she will take.

Ana managed to steal some foods, money and a gun from some punks, The gun only has 3 bullets, and she knows where to place it.

Ana is not so young anymore, Ana knows what's right and wrong, but she didn't care one bit. The world is too cruel, to the point where Ana sees no right, just wrongs.

Ana never expected that she would come back to her hometown, she didn't expected that she will come back to meet her dad, but she had to do it.

There he was, in his old shack, He got startled, he didn't expect to see her daughter, he certainly didn't expect her daughter to be alive.

"Oh, Ana-"


An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg, Ana shot her dad at the head, exactly where he shot francis at the head. As soon as the body dropped, she shot her dad in the chest, and in his manhood. Ana did it, Ana finally did it, but she's still not satisfied, it almost feels like it's not enough. She grabbed her father's rifle, the same rifle that was used on francis.

She's not a bad kid, but she had to do it, Ana didn't intend to make it messy, but she's gone cray, she lost her sanity and shot her father until no bullets can be fired.

Ana finally screamed, She finally did it, She had to kill pops, and she finally did it.

She has nowhere to go, She doesn't have someone to go to now, but she feel complete, she felt that she accomplished the highest achievement of her life.

She doused the shack with gasoline, she set the shack on fire, she threw the rifle and her dad at the burning pile, she threw all her troubles in the burning pile, with nothing else in her mind, with nothing else to do, she pointed the gun at her mouth and fired it. Her body was instantly consumed in flames.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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