𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1 - 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝

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Your POV

Walking to school felt so off. Normally, mama would drive me, but she was exhausted from the moving in that I didn't bother her this morning. I managed to find a map on my phone so I knew where to go.

Upon arrival, I was told to go to the office, which I already knew since it was in an email sent to my mama. They knew my 'situation' and led me to a classroom.

Some boy was called out by the teacher I was with. Blonde, kinda short, looked exhausted. I was so focused on analysing him that I didn't hear much of what the teacher was saying. Just that he had to show me around. Then she went off to wherever and I was left with him. There was a second of silence before he spoke.

"So...are you a girl or a boy or what?"

Really? The first question? I just rolled my eyes and shrugged. We could come back to that. Then he asked another question.

"You gonna say something?"

He seemed easily irritated. Not that I really cared, it's not like he scared me or anything. I shook my head, making a little X with my fingers. He looked confused but then seemed to understand.

"Can't talk? Great, this just got very inconvenient..."

Oh he seemed very easily irritated. Maybe this would be very inconvenient. He just groaned and started walking, so I followed.

Len's POV

This kid is so weird. Can't talk? Who just can't talk? Whatever it is, at least it gets me out of class.

I showed them around, making sure they knew their classes, clubrooms etc. And by then, it was lunchtime, mostly because we spent most of our time just walking around to cut class. I needed a break anyway.

I went to where my friends usually hung out. But before that, I turned to them.

"You know where you're going or whatever?"

They shook their head. Makes sense. I don't get how they would've made a friend on the first day. So I gave in.

"Ugh...come on...you can stay with me. Just watch out for the stampede of obsessive chicks..."

I led them to my normal table. My friends were there, my idol group and the girls. We performed together a lot and we were managed by the same people.

"Yo, Len. Picked up a stray, I see." That one is Fukase. Also nicknamed Fuck Ass, just for shits and giggles.

"Oh, be quiet, fuck ass, you were the same when V brought you over here."
'V' is VFlower. Vee Furawa if you say it properly though. But she never liked that.

I sat down with the new kid next to me. I didn't really know what to do with them now. They hadn't spoken (no pun intended) to me yet, so I knew nothing about them. I didn't even know their name. How inconvenient.

(Y/N)'s POV

'Awkward' is an understatement. This was just depressing. Len wasn't talking. His other friends were talking amongst themselves, so that wasn't getting me anywhere. So I did the one thing I could do best: pull out my notebook.

I opened to the second page, the first one was a conversation between me and my dad. And on it I wrote: 'is it always like this?' and slid it towards Len.

He took notice, read it and slid it back.

"So you can talk...kinda. Yeah, sometimes. My best friend, Kai, isn't here and some of the others are off doing who knows what. So...yeah."

I just nodded, I guess that made sense. I would be more silent if my best friend wasn't in. I was thinking of what to write next before he spoke again.

"So...who are you? Sounds mean, I know, but I have no idea."

I chuckled a little, although it was silent. I wrote my name down on the same page and showed him. He just nodded, seeming less irritable now.

"(Y/N) right...cool name...kinda. Guess you'll be stuck with me, huh?"

That confused me a bit so I wrote on the page: 'does that make us friends?' I was hoping it would be a yes, but there was still a chance of rejection.

"No. More like...acquaintances. You should feel lucky to be that."

Ah, well, we can work on that. But that last statement confused me and he seemed to notice.

"Oh, you sweet summer child. You'll find out soon enough....okay, I'll just tell you. J-Pop idol group, me and my friends, super popular, you get the hint."

He said that so quickly I almost didn't process it. Idol group? Len was in it? I actually found that pretty cool. And it apparently showed.

"Cool, isn't it? But it also means I'm practicing all day tomorrow. But you can just bother V, Fukase or any of the girls if they're here. They're all nice, especially with new people."

I nodded, actually liking the sound of that. He seemed a lot nicer now than he sounded this morning.

Len's POV

This kid is actually pretty nice. I guess the notebook thing seems like a bit of a hassle but at least we can communicate.

By the end of lunchtime, I gave them my number as another way of commutation and we went back to class. I also made sure to tell my friends about them, just so that they'd be nice too.

I went home that day, happier than usual. While the situation was really inconvenient, maybe this friendship would last.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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