Chapter 14

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I woke up to the smell of sweat, cheap cologne, cheese fries, and salt water. I smiled and took another deep breath. Where had I smelled that before? Who knew. I curled up into a ball under my sheets. The smell made me so happy and tired at the same time.

"Brijit, you need to get to work," Mom called from downstairs. She was probably watching some sort of soap opera or reality show. I smiled to myself again. Everything felt perfect.

I plodded downstairs, a smile still glued to my face. Who knew that probably the most disgusting smell in the world could make me so happy? I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down next to Mom on the couch.

"I'm spending the day with Richie at the hospital, so I'm working the late shift. Do you mind going after work? You should spend the night too. He needs someone there with him," Mom said without looking away from the TV. Oh, that's right. Nothing was perfect. My brother tried to kill himself and was stuck in the hospital. I sighed, and breathed in that smell again. I'd agree to anything.

"Sure. I'll bring a game we can play or something. He must be bored out of his mind," I replied cheerfully. There must have been some kind of drug inside my sweatshirt.

"And sweetie, put on some perfume before you go. It smells you just rolled around in a dump," Mom commented, not looking away from the TV. I rolled my eyes, but smiled. Some sort of dump with drugs that made me insanely happy.

I floated upstairs on a cloud, surrounded my rainbows and puppies. At least that's how I felt. I didn't remember anything. Maybe I was on drugs. I'd probably have to check with my doctor. Who cares? I felt happier than a butterfly in a flower field (yep, definitely checking in with my doctor).

I wasn't as happy by the time I reached work. Whatever drug it was, it had worn off. Or maybe it was because I wasn't wearing that sweatshirt. I hoped to God that my mom didn't wash it. If there was something in it, I needed it. Especially with Richard in the hospital. Besides I'd be grounded until I died if she found drugs.

Andrea put me to work right away. She even made sure to make me work harder than last time as punishment for never showing up. She could've just fired me. Although, it could be punishment for hurting Peter's feelings or something.

Wait. Peter. Oh my god. Suddenly I remembered everything. It wasn't drugs. It was my brain trying to be happy. I couldn't forget what had happened. I was stupid and he was stupid and then we were stupid together. Ugh, I wish I could go back to my happy state.

I took an early lunch break and sat outside. Andrea hadn't spoken to me, except when she was giving orders. Chances are, Peter told her everything. God, it's like she was his best friend. I mean I didn't even tell Gen as much as Peter told Andrea. Then again, I didn't have an abusive father and drug addict mother.

When I went back inside, Andrea was gone. I figured she had gone to the back to get a box for me to sort through. After an hour of absently sweeping, she hadn't returned. Part of me started to get worried. Sure, she was giving me the cold shoulder, but I still loved the adorable old lady.

I noticed something on the counter. I stepped towards to take a look. Andrea left a note, written in her fancy cursive penmanship. Next to it was a tiny pink flower. I picked it up and twirled it in my fingers as I read.

I've left to go to a business meeting regarding this retail space and supplies needed to keep this shop open. I know I've been hard on you, so I'm letting you leave early. My highest regards,

Wow. She couldn't just come tell in person? Peter must have made me sound like Satan. Although through all of my thinking, I was beginning to realize that he should see me that way. I had rejected him and publicly humiliated him. Then I told him to meet with me. He was acting like just a friend, which is what I asked for, and I still wasn't happy. He drove me to the hospital to see my brother, and calmly found out his room number so we could get to him.

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