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I hadn't talked to Harry since he asked me that question. I hadn't answered it and I wasn't planning on answering it anytime soon. He was an asshole. He was a robber and a murderer. I was not going to go and tell him my sob story. Although, it would be great to see him cry. But he would not cry, he was Harry Styles. After a few minutes of silence all he said was "Fine." And just like that, we went back to silence.

8 hours and 47 minutes on the road.
"I need to pee."
"Ah, so she talks! I thought you lost your voice for a while there." He chuckled, glancing at me quickly.
"Yeah, I need to pee." I repeated myself. I had needed the toilet for just under an hour and I could barely hold myself any longer. I waited till we got near a petrol station before telling him.
"Okay, okay. Calm down. There's a petrol station right across the street. Go on."
No sooner than when he spoke those words, I was racing across the street and to those beautiful yet disgusting toilets.

As I was walking back I noticed Harry had left his car and gone to get food. This seemed strange at first as he was so open to show his face in public. Then I realised he was cocky. He knew no one would catch him, so he could just sit in plain sight. I shook my head at him, gaining a confused look in return, and quickly got back into the car. As Harry got back in the car, I looked at him closely, observing his every feature. I had to admit, even his flaws were gorgeous. I took in his perfections and his faults, memorising every spot. As he smirked, I noticed he had dimples. He seemed like he could be like any other man, with a regular job, a regular girlfriend and just a plain, old, regular life. But he wasn't like that at all.

"Are you quite done staring yet?" He smirked, making me snap out of my trance. I realised what I was doing, and I had to stop.
I mumbled a quick "sorry" and looked out of the window.
I hoped he would ignore it and forget it happened. To my luck, he just offered me a bag of crisps, which I gratefully took and we ate together in silence.

Eventually, the car stopped at a small cottage in the middle of a forest. Now while I had been camping before, I had certainly never been this far and I knew if anyone were to hurt me here I would not be found for a long time. As we walked into the small living room it dawned on me, this is where I would get killed. It was inevitable. Sooner or later it had to happen. A murderer is a murderer, no matter how normal they seem.

We had been silent for a long time now. The silence brought bad thoughts to me. All my life I had surrounded myself with noise, in an effort to drown out the thoughts I had. My father taught me not to think, not to do, and not to be whatever I wanted. The silence hurt. I wanted to make it stop.

"Do you have any games?" Hopefully he did.
He looked up from his spot. He had been sitting down for quite some time too. Thinking just as I was. I wish I knew what he thought about.
"I have cards."

So, Harry and I played cards. Poker, blackjack, go fish and every other card game we could think of. Soon enough, the moon was deep in the sky, and so were my noisy thoughts.


Okay so this is getting to the actual story now yay !!!

Kill | Harry Styles auWhere stories live. Discover now