Chapter 2

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Most people tended to stay away from Astrid, because whenever someone, for example; Mulciber, made a comment about Lily's blood status, Astrid made sure the boy landed in the hospital wing long enough to miss his Quidditch match. Due to that, Slytherin lost the game because Mulciber was their best Chaser.

People who didn't mind her protective nature, like Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadows, and Alice Fortesque, made friends with her when Lily introduced her to them.

Of course, they were hesitant at first, because it is rumored that Astrid had killed a first year. Although, Astrid indeed almost killed someone. They became good friends with Astrid.

However, the bond between the three and Astrid, didn't come close to one Lily and Astrid has.


It was now her fifth year at Hogwarts. As Astrid walks down the corridor by herself with books in her hands, somebody bumped her from behind her. Her books fell out of her hands, but when she turned who it was, she did everything she could not to roll her eyes.

It was Sirius Black, her nemesis.

They were both enemies ever since, and didn't get along. He was the only person that got Astrid to almost lose her patience. His personality, is exactly what Astrid loathed. Arrogant, cocky, flirtous, mean, and sarcastic.

But thankfully, her patience is as high as the sky could get, as long as it didn't include Lily. She didn't mind him, and went to pick up her books.

As she was doing that, somebody helped her, she looked up to see her nemesis. She stopped in her tracks in confusion, but her face didn't budge a bit. Sirius wasn't the type to help people, or even apologize to them.

"What?" Sirius spoke.

"It's unusual for you to help anyone, especially me." Astrid replied. Something was off.

"I just feel kind today." Sirius said innocently.

Astrid looked at him before saying "Watch where you're going, Black."

" 'Aight, see you later Monroe." He spoke, before running after his friends.

Astrid didn't respond back, and went to her Potions class. There, she took an empty seat next to Alice.

"Hello Astrid" Alice said with a adorable smile on her face.

"Hi" Astrid responded. She felt like something was off.

As if Alice can see the slightest difference on her face, she said "Somethings wrong, Astrid?"

"Nothing" Astrid answered. Alice didn't seem convinced at her answer, but she let it slide.

"Turn to page 149" Slughorn instructed the whole class.

To Astrid's horror, once she opened her book, it screamed very loudly, turning the whole class and Slughorn's attention to her. Yet, she didn't even flinch. She immediately closed her book and blinked in relief.

"What was that, Ms. Monroe?" Slughorn spoke to Astrid.

"I don't know, Professor, it was fine when I last used it." Astrid answered. Astrid raged internally, of course, that's why Black helped her earlier, so that he could bewitch it.

"Well, since you can't use it, share a book with your seatmate if that's alright, Ms. Fortesque?" Slughorn said.

"It's alright, Professor." Alice responded.

"Okay then. Let's proceed, class." Slughorn spoke to the whole class.

"What happened to your book?" Alice whispered.

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