Chapter 5

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Days go by, and Sirius's words kept repeating on her mind. Even though Astrid tried to push it off, but to no avail. She had spent many nights thinking about the words he said. She  sneaked out past curfew to go to the Astronomy Tower, to just think. She stood there, staring helplessly at the beautiful stars.

There were two voices ringing on her mind. One, was saying to never let emotions, showing emotions are weak. They make her vulnerable.

The other, was saying to let herself feel. Let someone in, it is the only way to heal herself.

Astrid was having a difficult time on choosing. It was those two choices to which she would follow only one.

Her mind, or her heart.


The next day, Astrid and her friends sat in the common room, doing their homework, or rather copying, for Marlene.

"Hey Astrid, can I copy some of  yours?" Marlene spoke as she turned to Astrid.

Astrid agreed and handed her homework to Marlene. After Marlene got out a quill and empty parchment, her eyes widened.

"What the fuck? Astrid, are you summoning the devil or what?" She said as she looked back at Astrid's homework again. Astrid's handwriting looked like an ancient language that was yet to be discovered, and the only thing that was understandable was her signature.

"No I'm not, and also I'll hand that back to Slughorn now, thank you very much." Astrid said as she stood up and exited the common room. Little did they know, Astrid had invented a charm that could make her handwriting look bad and the counter charm for that. Once she was out of sight, she put the counter charm and made it to her original handwriting.

Finally, she got to Slughorn's office and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened and Slughorn stood, looking slightly surprised.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Monroe?" Slughorn said.

"Professor, didn't you say earlier that the due date for the homework is in Thursday?" Astrid responded.

"Well, I suppose I did." Slughorn said.

"Here is my homework, Professor. Is it alright if I pass it this early Professor, since you never said about when we could." Astrid replied as she handed her homework.

"It's alright if you pass it early. I gave it until Thursday since it is hard to research about this topic, and since you gave it in the nick of time, I'll  give 20 points to Gryffindor for that matter." He said, proud at his student.

"Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate the points." She replied.

"And also, Ms. Monroe, I would be delighted to have you as a member of the Slug Club. Your talents in potion-making truly deserve a platform." He added.

"I would like to Professor, to be a member of it." She agreed. Even though she knows that she will be only sulking in the corner whenever Slughorn does not include her in a discussion. Yet, the only thing why she agreed was to make one of her favorite teachers happy.

"Splendid!" He clapped his hands. "We have a dinner planned with other students this Friday. If you want to attend, Ms. Monroe." He said.

"I'll attend, Professor. But what time?" She asked.

"7 o'clock evening, at my office." He answered.


Astrid went back to the Gryffindor common room, and took a seat next to Alice. She took out her apple from her bag and took a bite.

Emotions | Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now