Chapter 12

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The next day dawned with an unusual tension in the air, the kind that only comes after secrets are exposed. Astrid Monroe sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, her expression as unreadable as ever. The morning light filtered through the enchanted ceiling, casting soft shadows across the rows of students enjoying their breakfast. For Astrid, it was just another day, or so it appeared on the surface.

But beneath that calm exterior, her mind was racing. The events of the previous night played over and over again in her head. The Marauders had discovered her secret, something she had kept hidden for so long. She had managed to handle the situation, but it didn’t sit well with her. The fact that they knew—especially James and Sirius—left her feeling exposed in a way she hadn’t felt before.

She was determined not to let it show.

Astrid methodically buttered a piece of toast, ignoring the occasional glances cast her way by students who were still whispering about the altercation that had cost Gryffindor house points. Her friends—Lily, Marlene, Alice, and Dorcas—sat around her, chattering about weekend plans, but even they seemed to sense that something was off.

“Astrid, you alright?” Lily asked, her green eyes studying her closely.

Astrid looked up from her plate, her face perfectly composed. “I’m fine,” she replied evenly, her voice betraying nothing. “Just thinking.”

Lily didn’t look convinced but decided not to press further. “If you need to talk, we’re here.”

Astrid gave her a small nod of acknowledgment before returning to her breakfast, the familiar routine grounding her amidst the swirling thoughts in her mind.

Across the hall, the Marauders were seated together, but there was a noticeable difference in their usual demeanor. Normally, they’d be causing a ruckus, laughing loudly and drawing attention to themselves. But today, they were quieter, exchanging glances as if silently communicating.

James was the first to break the silence. “We need to talk to her.”

Remus nodded, his brow furrowed in concern. “She’s probably feeling cornered right now. We need to make it clear that we’re on her side.”

Peter, who had been picking at his food, looked up. “Do you think she’ll even listen to us?”

Sirius, who had been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. “She’ll listen. We just need to approach her the right way.”

James raised an eyebrow, surprised by Sirius’s tone. “You’ve really changed your tune about her, mate.”

Sirius shrugged, avoiding eye contact. “Just don’t want things to get out of hand, that’s all.”

The Marauders shared a look, understanding that Sirius’s attitude toward Astrid had shifted, even if he wasn’t ready to admit it outright. Whatever animosity he’d held toward her seemed to be softening, and it was clear that last night’s events had affected him in a way none of them had expected.

As breakfast wound down and students began to trickle out of the Great Hall, the Marauders decided it was time to talk to Astrid. They caught up with her just as she was leaving the hall, her friends a few paces ahead, chatting animatedly.

“Astrid,” James called out, causing her to stop and turn around.

Her gaze was steady as she regarded the four boys approaching her. “What is it, Potter?” she asked, her tone cool and detached.

“We need to talk,” James said, his voice firm but not unkind.

Astrid glanced past him at Sirius, Remus, and Peter, who were watching her closely. “I think we’ve said all that needed to be said last night.”

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