UA... are you really as promised?

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|3rd POV|

It was an early morning, and the first day of UA's newest first years... Shori was awake for a long time, he actually probably didn't sleep as he was walking around Musutafu the entire time at night...

Shori : ...Today is my first day at UA... at least Deku passed...

Shori remembered when after he got his results, Deku called him to announce his own results to Shori...


Shori placed the metal device which had All Might's hologram down as he sighed... that was surprising...

Shori : UA... that's where i'm going next huh? Let's see if you really are as promised...

Shori leaned in his chair and stared up at the ceiling... thinking about the actual chance of getting in UA

Shori : One of the lowest acceptance percentage rates... for a Hero School huh...?

Suddenly His phone buzzed alive and Shori grabbed it, looking at the screen and seeing Deku's contact name on it

Shori : Deku...?

He then answered the call to see what Deku has to Say...

Deku : Shori!! Did you pass?!!

Shori : Yes i did Deku, how about you?

Deku : Same!! B-but i only got rescue points tho... how about you?

Shori : I got 70 Villain Points, and 15 Rescue points...

Deku : 70 Villain Points? Wow... thats amazing Shori!

Shori : So are you ready for UA?

Deku nodded as he looked determined...

End of Flashback...

Shori chuckled as he remembered the chat he had with Deku, he saw how happy Deku was... yea pretty goddamn excited for his chance at UA!

Shori : Hope your ready Deku... your journey starts today...

TimeSkip by Shori blasting Mineta Away

Shori was walking through the halls of the massive School... trying to find 1-A, maybe some signs on where to find rooms?!

Shori : I swear i am going to eventually get lost in this goddamn Maze... this a school? or the most prestigious Maze

After like 5 minutes he finally found the door and opened it seeing not a lot of people are here... just 3. The glasses Dude, someone who had a scar and looked liked he had gone through literal hell and finally... the legendary... mythical...

Birb! :]

Shori : alright then...

He then sat in the most back, where he will be alone... Nice! He placed his stuff down and looked around before pulling out a Throwing knife and starting to spin it when the dark haired glasses dude from the entrance exam walked up to him

Shori : Yes?

dark haired glasses : Is this allowed by the School Regulations?! Spinning a knife should not be prohibited in School grounds!

Shori : Well it did not specify that and UA is not a strict school so... also who are you?

Lida : My apologies!! I am Tenya Lida! I am from the Soumei Private Academy!

Lida : My apologies!! I am Tenya Lida! I am from the Soumei Private Academy!

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