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Super hero AU

Context :0

Tommy is a villian named Theseus who was previously a experiment, meaning he has multiple powers.

Wilbur is a hero named Willow who was always intruged by Theseus, which made him thes's worst enemy. His power is voice control, and mind reading.

Techno is a hero named blood God(iconic name)
Whos brothers with Willow so he's forced to fight Theseus usually.

Phil is a hero named Icarus, he is the father of blood God and willow. His attention is also caught by Theseus.

Theseus's POV. ;

I sat on a roof top scanning the shops below, no signs of anyone. I make my way to an alley and drop down with a small thud.

I peek around the corner of the alley still not seeing one living body.

I quickly and quietly run across the street to the little gas station and try the door, and to my advantage it was unlocked!

I bit back a sequel in excitement as I looked around the inside of the place, lots of isles of chips and some soda fridges, and finally I spotted the cashier.

I walk inside closeing the door behind me and slowly walked through the stroke, grabbing whatever look delicious.

Now, with a bag full of food, I made my way to the cashier and looked at it with full consetrain.

I heard the clicking and it pops open "yes..! " I murmmer as I look at all the cash.

I quickly swip it all, makeing as little sound as possible before taking one of the sticky noted from the side of a smoke container (?) and a pen. I stare at the cigarettes for a little longer before grabbing a couple packs.

I finally write my little note and leave it on the inside. I close the register and make my away out form the back door.

I look around a bit before running to a different alley. I quickly climb the escape ladder and get onto the roof.

I glace st the street light to see the name "snow Chester drive" it read no wonder it was so full. I thought as I start to make my way the opposite of the street light.

After a while of walking I got it little sting alereting me someone was following me.


My voices screamed but I ignored them. I heard rustling behide me so I look. No one..

Behind the air!

A voice shouted with my attention quickly drawn to the air conditioner.

I take a dagger from a belt and slowly tip toe to the air conditioner. There was a silhouette crouching down what appeared to be looking at me

I swung my dagger and heard a hiss along with the sound of fabric ripping.

There was a leg flying towards me so I quickly jumped away. Out walked a bleeding Willow.

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