the slayer and the slain

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Type: 🖤💛

Almost being killed


Main: Tommy, Wilbur
Side: Phil, techno

Tommy is the slain, he is a dragon hybrid 🥰


*THEWP* the sound of a arror shot past the mighty creature barley grazing him yet still managing to cause blood to trickle down from under his eye.

There was a loud screech of pain before a strange noises then a explosion and a grunt before a thud.

"Give up you beast! Your cornered! " a brunette yelled towards the beige dragon dull blue meeting brown eyes.

There was a growl before it shot again, Wilbur was quick to recover and shot at it again. There was a loud screaming like noise along with whimpers as the dragon came crashing down.

Wilbur chuckled walking over to where the beast landed. There was a blue Mist covering the dragon when Wilbur arrived.

He drew his bow one last ready to pierce the dragon where it layed, but what shocked Wilbur was when the smoke cleared revealing a boy, small and fragile.

He had scars for days with dull blue eyes, his hair had white mixed in with the blonde. He had bandages wrapped around his limbs with an arrow loged into his arm.

His chest was rising slowly so Wilbur knew he was alive but his eyes were drooping. Wilbur was about to pierce the boy when the boy opened his eyes.

He looked around his eyes landing on Wilbur. He stared for a second before slowly setting his head down accepting his fate.

Wilbur slowly let his arrow fall to the ground and ran over to the boy taking his jacket off. He wrapped the jacket around the blonde and picked him up , worrying when he was lighter than a wood plank.

He slowly took in his surroundings to try to get home before he stared walking.

Tommy's POV:

There was a boy carrying me, the same boy that had almost killed me? Now I'm really confused here.. He looked me in the eyes and I could see sympathy and pity in his eyes.

Gah pity, the word made my skin crawl. I felt the sting again in my arm. I met out a whimper but cut myself short not allowing myself to finsh.

Last time I whimpered I got a new white chunk of hair... I heard the big mumbling about me being to light?

Hm, well I don't get food... When was the last time dream fed me? I thought beifte giving up. I slowly let myself drift into a black abyss to escape the pain from my body.

When I woke up I was in a room..? It's was really soft and.. What's the word?? Actetich? I don't know..

I heard foot steps coming towards what looked like the door do I quickly jump up from my position and shift to a dragon

The boy that tried to kill me walked in! He looked at me with a surprised face as I shit a fire ball at him. He ducked just in time but I heard more foot steps running ho the stairs..

There was so many people! They all wanted to kill me... Should I let them? No! I need to escape...

I push through them all and run down stairs. I may knock a lot of things over but that's the least of my worrys.

I make it out the door just to be trapped in net. I lay there accept my fate once more feeling as a sharp spear enters my back.

I screech in pain and it pierced into my spine. I lay there bleeding out but the foot steps return. The spear was yanked from my back causing more pain and more blood.

Hm, blood... Such a funny word.... Why would you call the red liquid inside your body's that?? It's something I've seen all my life.. Sometimes mine, most of the times it's hunters...

Wow... I think this is it... My vison was already becoming black... I saw the brown haired boy looking at me. I shrink into human and smile before shutting my eyes.

"Good night.. " I mutter as my soul leaves.

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