Chapter 29

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Travis searches through the rooms with Sarah and Aiden on his heals, making quick work of any on-site guards that have not been knocked out from the blasts. Travis growls as his eyes land on a body splayed on the floor, partly hidden by a splintered door that stood slightly ajar. He feels a red hot rage course through his veins as his eyes tunnel in focusing on the blonde male as he slowly pushes himself up.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Travis roars as he charges into the room, grabbing the man from behind and slamming him through the window near the bed. "WHERE IS MY ANNA?"

His whole body trembles in white hot rage as his fingers tighten around Adams neck as he looks up into Travis' face, his hands clutching at Travis' arms as his body is suspended in the air four stories up.

Anna snaps her head back down the hallway and skids to a halt as she hears familiar voices, one in particular that made her heart thud and hurt. 'Travis'. Her eyes searched through the clearing dust, and she collapsed to her knees as she saw her cousin taring apart people in his wolf form as Sarah launched them at him like baseballs. "SARAH! AIDEN" She cries out as tears of joy start to swell in her eyes, before her vision starts to fade.

Travis hears a call for Sarah and Aiden in the voice of his mate, his Luna. Without hesitation, he growls, looking back at Adam and hisses. "I told you if you ever touched her again, I would destroy you and everything around you. Enjoy watching these embers fall around your burning kingdom as you die asshole." He slams his free fist into Adam's chest, ripping his heart out effortlessly, then tossing him down below to burn under the moonlit sky with the rest of his kingdom before he takes off in the direction of Anna's voice.

Travis arrives to see Aiden cradling an unconscious form in his arms and rushes up to his side. "What happened to her? I just heard her call out to you both!" he asks in a panic as he brushes her matted hair from her face. Travis feels his stomach turn as he sees all the marks on her body. Her once-perfect skin is now home to multiple bruisings and a few scars. "Please give her to me." His voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, as he knows he cannot begin to atone for what happened to her, and if he had not been under Trish's influence, her suffering would never have had to endure this long. He quickly scoops her up in his arms as tears leak from his eyes as he feels the weight difference from the last time he held her to him. "Never again..." He murmurs against her forehead as he closes his eyes, trying to take a calming breath. "Let's get her home and deal with our traitor."


Beep... Beep... Beep...

Sarah sighs as she adjusts the blanket she was given at the pack hospital as she curls up in the chair next to Anna's hospital bed. Even as tired as she was, with no rest from the night before, she could not find a way to truly get any sleep. Be it from the light from the morning sun or the never-ending beeping from the machines they had hooked up to Anna, she was not sure. It could even be the constant in and out of the nurses and doctors that were running back and forth trying to ensure their Luna had the best chance of a full recovery.

Travis enters the room ahead of a stuttering doctor as he spins on his heel. "THEN GET THEM OFF OF HER SO SHE CAN HEAL! NO EXCUSES!" His body is shaking in frustration as he looks over at Sarah and nods before he moves to the edge of Anna's bed and sits down, moving his hand to cover hers. "Oh, my love, please. I know I do not deserve you to come back to me, but please, please open your eyes for me. Even if you just want to yell, scream, and throttle me every which way for what has happened, I will be happy and accept it willingly so long as you come back." He murmurs as he lifts her hand to his lips, gently pressing kisses along her knuckles.

Sarah hisses in aggravation. "You deserve so much more than that from her for what you did while she was captured." Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, not sure if she could ever forgive him for what happened over the last few months. "At least tell me that bitch is dead."

Travis shakes his head. "Not yet. I want Anna to have a choice in what happens, as she was there when everything happened to my father, not to mention the one who was taken because of her betrayal towards us. As the packs Luna she should have a call in it as well."

Sarah's retort gets interrupted by a group of nurses and doctors coming in with tools to remove the shackles and collar from Anna. They both get ushered out of the room as they see a worn-out Aiden jog up to the two of them. "How is my cousin?" He asks, looking between the two of them.

Sarah shakes her head as she looks at him and drops her gaze. "Besides her being dehydrated, malnourished, and obviously abused in virtually all imaginable ways right now, that is all we know."

Travis stiffens as he locks his eyes on the room door. Even though he already knew she had been raped and had a miscarriage, every time he hears about it, his body wants to run to her side and envelope her in his arms while reassuring her that she will never be harmed in such ways again. Without warning, his fist slams into the wall at his side as he struggles to control his breathing, and he takes off running before changing into his wolf to get away for a bit. The pain and hurt he felt for her, along with the guilt and self-blame he carried for himself, was becoming too much on top of everything else that had transpired in the last couple of months. Travis lets out a howl into the fresh morning mountain air, and he runs as fast as his legs will carry him as he shakes his big furry head, feeling the wind flow through his fur.


A couple of hours later, Aiden jumps up from the waiting room chairs as Sarah follows suit as they see Anna's head doctor approaching.

"Where is our Alpha? He should be here when we go over the news about his Luna."

"FUCK THAT! She is my cousin! If something is wrong, I should know about it as soon as you guys find out; if he is not here to be told, he can find out later." Aiden steps towards the doctor menacingly, his voice dripping with rage.

"Calm down, Aiden," Travis orders as he rounds the corner, pulling a shirt over his head. "However, Doc, I do agree with him that if something is wrong with Anna and people need to know or a decision is to be made, both of them, Sarah or Aiden, are allowed to find anything out and make a call in my absence; they have done more to bring our Luna home and protect her than I did while I was being drugged and spell-bound." Travis holds his head down in shame. He had finally found everything out from Trish the night before. It was not surprising, but she was extremely easy to get information from during torture.

"As you wish, Alpha." The doctor looks between the three of them. "I have some good news and then some other information for you all. I believe you all should have a seat."

Travis eyes him skeptically but takes a seat like Sarah and Aiden do.

"She has now woken up and is talking to us; she is in shock and has asked for the three of you. However, before I release you three to go in, I want you all to be made aware of a few things. Her strength will take a while to return; she is definitely going to suffer from some sort of post-traumatic stress, to what degree I do not know. Lastly, she is pregnant; we could abort the pregnancy, Alpha, and she would never know she was pregnant; she would think she is on a heavy cycle. What would you like to do, Alpha, since this is another wolve's mutt and a rape one at that?"

Sarah's head snaps towards Travis as she pales, her fists balling up, ready to swing on both the doctor and Travis.

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