Moving in

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       The drive to Blackmore was full of music, bad singing, and laughter

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       The drive to Blackmore was full of music, bad singing, and laughter. For the first time in the past year, Ethan and Lydia were able to fully immerse themselves in each other's company without having to worry about their father. To keep their cover Wayne and Quinn were driving to the Carpenter's apartment together while the twins went to the University dorms. Lydia had found the Carpenter sisters 'anonymous' ad and immediately sent it to Quinn. She has also juked the roommate lottery so that Ethan would be rooming with some of the girl's friends, which would give him entry into the friend group. Who Lydia was dorming with wouldn't be a necessary concern since she wouldn't be participating in the actual killing. If you asked the girl, she would say she was the most important person in the plan. After all, she was the one who created fake documents for them all so no one became suspicious of their new personas.
Lydia looked out the window as the car turned into the parking garage next to the girl's dorm building.
" Are you ready for this?" Ethan asked, turning the music down.
" Yeah. I mean, for a couple months or so it's just regular college, right?" Lydia said.
" Right," Ethan responded, smiling slightly.
He pulled into a parking spot, and Lydia took a long breath before stepping out of the car. Lydia stopped to open the backdoor for Riley who happily jumped out of the car. The three then walked to the back and Ethan opened the trunk. Ethan grabbed three boxes while Lydia carried two and held onto Riley's leash.
" Onward we go!" Lydia said, confidently heading toward the dorms.
By the time they made it into her room, Lydia felt as though she had just run a marathon while Ethan looked just fine.
" I hate you so much right now," Lydia panted out.
" You're the one who said the elevator line was too long." Ethan said, following behind.
" Yeah, but you could have told me I was being stupid."
" Would you have listened?"
Lydia stayed silent.
" Exactly."
" Shut up," Lydia said, putting down her boxes and face-planting on her bed. " How's Riley doing? Is she okay?"
The dog in question seemed to smile at Ethan as he answered.
" She's completely fine. Tell me Lydia, how is it that your dog is in better shape than you?" he asked, setting down the boxes of Lydia's things.
Lydia flipped him off. Then, she heard the door open and lifted her head from the bed. Sitting up, she looked at Ethan with eyes that screamed concern.
" I'm going to see if my roommate is here yet!" A young woman's voice shouted.
Right on cue, a girl with long black hair and a plain white top popped her head in the door. She smiled at the two in the room and Ethan's breathing got heavier. The girl was undeniably gorgeous and her smile was infectious. Lydia could feel the corners of her mouth turning up to match.
" Hi! You must be my roommate. I'm Julie," she said, holding her hand out.
" Nice to meet you," Lydia said standing up. " I'm Lydia, and this is my best friend, Ethan." She shook the girl's outstretched hand.
Letting go she looked at Ethan only, he seemed to be frozen in place, staring at Julie. Furrowing her brows, and recognizing that hunger in his eyes, Lydia jabbed her elbow into his ribs. Ethan blinked and remembered where he was. Knowing he had to act shy he silently waved his hand and smiled.
" Well I'm going to go set up my room but I'll see you later. I'm so excited to learn more about you," Julie said cheerfully.
Lydia smiled as the other girl skipped out of the room. She was thrilled that her roommate seemed to be such a happy person. She knew she needed more of that in her life. She only hoped that the poor girl didn't get too involved in everything. Lord knew what would end up happening to her if she did. Of course, with how Ethan was eyeing her earlier, it might be too late already. Remembering her brother she felt her smile drop. Looking over she saw that look back on his face, and she knew that it wouldn't end well for her new friend if she didn't keep him in check.

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