Derek Norman

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I walked into school with my football team. We owned this school, and I am the captain of all the sports. Today was swim try outs and I had to judge. If anyone beat my time they would be the new captains but that hasn't happened before so I'm not worried.
I went to my first few classes blocking out the teachers boring class sessions and waited for lunch to come. Lunch is when my football team and I bully Percy Jackson. He's always wearing a hoodie and you can never see his face clearly. He almost never talks except in Greek and Marine Biology class. He has ADHD and dyslexia and can't get a good grade in any class except those two. He doesn't have any friends and is the loner.

Skip to Lunch

"Hey, Jackson, gonna show us your ugly face today?" I taunt him
"Go away" he snaps
Everyone was surprised and went quiet, he never talked back much less talked "Finally found your voice mute?" I ask after a few seconds "I'm not mute now go away, I already have to see your ugly face at swim try outs when I beat your time" Percy says angrily
"No one beats my time, especially not a wimp like you"
"I'm no wimp" Percy stands up and walks away leaving everyone shocked by the conversation that just happened

Skip to swim tryouts

I was waiting on the people who were trying out to come out. The last person to come out was a guy with raven black hair and sea green swirling eyes. He must be new and decided to try out. He was really fit and had a swimmers body with a 6 pack. I was kinda jealous but I doubted he could beat me. I decided to size up competition so I walked up "You must be new, I'm Derek" he rolls his eyes and laughs bitterly "It's Percy Jackson, don't recognize me without my hoodie?" He glares and man was that glare scary. I gulped and nodded "Well you still won't beat my time" "Yeah I will"
We still had some time before tryouts start and I saw this beautiful blonde reading a book in a weird language with freaky grey eyes so I went to flirt and get a new girlfriend possibly. I wondered why she was here but brushed it off.
"Hey babe, my house tonight?" I smirk and she glares "No I'm here for my boyfriend so go away" "Wow you already consider me your boyfriend I'm honored" I smirk "No I'm here for my boyfriend Percy Jackson" she smiles at his name
Now I have to make sure Percy doesn't beat me and then I'll win the girls heart over. The coach blows the whistle for tryouts to start and I jog over "fastest times make the team. If anyone can beat Derek they become captain okay? Okay get ready" he says and we all get ready to dive. He blows the whistle and I dive in swimming my fastest. I finished and was sure I had one until I got out and realized I came in second to Jackson who was already drying off. I storm up to him "how did you swim 10 laps so fast?!" I demand "10? I thought it was 20. Oops... told you I'd beat you, looks like I'm captain" Percy smirks as the blond runs up "Great job seaweed brain!" She hops into his arms "Thanks wise girl" he smiles and spins her around kissing her and they walk out after he slipped on a shirt to his sea green spyder Maserati and drove off

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