Her Departure

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In the wake of her departure, my heart lingers on,

Bound by love's endless flame that won't be gone,

Always yearning for her presence, though now lost.

No other soul stirs the depths of my being's cost,

For she alone sparked a profound, trembling fear,

A mortal recognition, life's fragility made clear,

For the first time, a yearning to embrace and thrive,

She who gave my world new meaning, alive.

Her absence casts shadows on each moment I face,

An ache that seeps into my bones, a haunting trace,

A longing that whispers through the night's quiet,

Echoing in spaces where she used to alight.

I grasp at memories like fragile, slender threads,

Each one a bittersweet symphony, softly spreads,

Her smile, a sunlit melody warming my core,

Her laughter, a breeze dancing through days of yore.

I drift in a sea of longing, lost in its sway,

Caught between hope and despair's relentless play,

Unable to let go of her vision, so bright,

The one who painted my world with joy and light.

I see her face in every passing shade,

Her voice echoes in my heart's quiet glade,

A haunting refrain that I cannot chase,

For she's woven into my soul's very space.

Time weaves its tapestry, moments unravel, 

Each one a thread of our shared travels,

I try to move forward, carve a new path,

But each step brings me back to her aftermath,

To the irreplaceable emptiness she left behind,

In dreams, her presence offers solace, unconfined,

In waking hours, harsh reality dims the light,

I clutch fragments of her essence, holding tight.

Yet amidst the ache and relentless yearning,

I hold onto fragile hope, forever burning,

That one day our paths may cross anew,

That she'll return, and we'll renew,

The love that once breathed life into our days,

For she, my beloved, in my heart always stays,

The one I wait for, in eternal longing's embrace,

My heart's desire, in this endless space. 

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