The Pains Of Breaking Up

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Putin had expected this day to come. Trump seemed to be loosing interest and he saw the way he looked at Biden. But still It hurt. He was growing colder and he heard Trump started to make rude comments towards his secret lover. It was 2020 election year and Trump seemed to be under a lot of stress so Putin tried to brush it off, but deep down inside he knew there was something else going on.

"I'm breaking up with you Putin. I-I no longer love you anymore." Trump said in a cold tone. "You see there is this new guy who seems to get me. Even though we are running up against each other in this election me and Biden seem to click." Putin's soon to be ex lover looks off to the distance. "I've been cheating on you with him. I don't think this long distance thing can work between us anymore." Trump walks away and Putin feels his heart shatter.

"Trump I thought you loved me. Was all of this a lie?!! When you told me I was like no other was it all a Lie." Putin said tears streaming in his eyes. "I love you Trump please don't leave me like this. Is this something I did? Trump I can change. Please don't leave me-" Putin had more to say. He still wanted to express himself but trump cut him off.

"I am no longer in love with you Putin, and that's final." Trump gave a cold and menacing  glare to the one he once called his own. "We are over! YOU GET THAT!!!" Trump boomed his voice and people heard making them rush down the hall in the Hotel they were at.

"Trump sir are you alright." A lady said opening the door. "We heard yelling and came to see what was going on."

"It's nothing I had to get rid of a rat. It looks ugly." He said looking at Putin with a evil smirk. "let's go Susan I have to take care of things that actually matter." He said hoping to hurt Putin.

He walked out of the room leaving Putin there alone with his thoughts. Did I do something wrong? Why Does he not love me anymore? Putin was slowly breaking apart. He fell to the ground crying silently. "How could he cheat on me? Was all that he said lies?" He whispered in a shaky voice. He remembered all the times Trump had taken him on dates. The picnics, the movie nights, and the nights cuddling in bed. "I thought we had a good thing going what happened?" Who was going to protect him from this new sickness Covid-19?

After a few minutes of crying he got up and looked at his puffy, tear stained eyes in the mirror as he wiped his tears off. "I have to be strong. I can't let Russia down." He said marching his way down to the lobby ordering his body guards to helicopter him back to Russia as soon as they could. It was on this day that he promised to never get heartbroken again. After dating trump for four years only to break up with him like that he never wanted to feel that pain again.

As a form of revenge he ordered some of his people to cast any of Trumps votes out of the election and rigged it so Trump will lose. 

At the day of the election all the votes were in. Trump had lost to his new secret lover Biden. Rigging the election worked but it didn't make Putin feel any better. "What's missing?" He whispered to himself. "My revenge should have worked. I should feel better so why do I still feel pain?" He whispered to himself.

"It's because you still love him but he doesn't love you anymore." Putin looks over to see a figure in the door. Unable to make out who it was. He was about to pick up the phone when the voice spoke again. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanna see what trash of an ex my boyfriend had cut ties with and wow he wasn't lying you are ugly." The figure enters the room and Putin feels a cold shiver in his spine. It was his ex's new boyfriend, Biden. "Thanks for helping me win. Me and Trump said who ever the winner is the other has to bye them a expensive meal at Taco Bell." Biden gave him a smirk. "Now I'll be going out of here and leave me and my boyfriend alone or you will regret it." He said with an evil smile. "Now toodles Putin I hope I don't see your face often it already sucks that I have to see it even more now that I'm president." He walks out of the room and gracefully falls down the stairs leaving to get back to America.

And since that day Putin hasn't really met them and he doesn't want too. now 4 years later it's 2024. He is dealing with a lot more than he can handle and he still has bottled the pain of the break up on his own. He didn't want the media to find out so it was a secret.

"Putin sir!!" A military officer snapped him out of his daydream. "Your flight to go meet the Leader of north Korea is ready."

Putin got up fixing his suit as he looked in the mirror. "How do I look?" Putin says fixing his suit.

"You look Great sir." Said the officer.

"good." Putin said plainly before he started to signal the officer to carry his luggage to the helicopter.

He got onto the Helicopter ready for it to take off. He mentally prepared himself that this meeting may not go well as he had heard some rumors go that Kim Jong Un was a cold and rude person. He had decided that he was going to start a new life

AN: That's chapter 1 I guess. I hope you all stay tuned for this book. I think I made a normal sized chapter and in fact I got it done in an hour not including editing and such.

Word count:1003 words

Hope to write another chapter soon. see you all there Peace <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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