Chapter 52. Meeting Mirio

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(She js like meeeeeeeee!! Guys js got my nails did extra long emerald green square French tips and I was scared at first BUT THEY R SOOOOOOOOO GORG😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 )

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(She js like meeeeeeeee!! Guys js got my nails did extra long emerald green square French tips and I was scared at first BUT THEY R SOOOOOOOOO GORG😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 )

That night you met shinso, turns out you weren't the only ones out. Katsuki and izuku had a fight on ground beta and were stopped by all night and aizawa and you and shinso got back in without getting caught. (You crawled up the walls invisibly and snuck back into your room through your balcony door)

Due to the fact that they had broken the rules they had a 3 day suspension and had to clean the dorms for about another 3 months, in other words, they were grounded.

As the school day began, Mina had practically broke into your dorm the morning to wake you up as you'd forgotten to set your alarm, and just wanted to go to sleep as it were passed 1am and did not want to get caught sneaking out.

"Y/N (m/n) PARKER WAKE YOUR ASS UP RIGHT NOW! GET UP GET UP GET UP!" She shouted as she jumped onto your bed and began shaking you, you groaned and tried to push her off as you protested.

A little later you were stood with all classes of UA listening as principal nezu gave a speech about ..well that the more sleep you get the more luscious your hair will be, why does this sound aimed?!? Anyway he went back to the main point and announced how the hero course would start work studies.

Back in class aizawa explained more about the work studies, and you zoned out as he rambled.

"Now that you have your provisional licences you can assist in real ways, for longer periods of time. Until now there haven't been many first years who've earned their licenses, with the increased activity of villains we're currently exploring the possibility that you can participate in work experience aswell."

Except this caught your attention, does that mean you get to work with hawks again? You didn't get much more info before mic came in to teach English.

Now you we're definitely more awake (mic is deff the most fun teacher.)

Once the day had passed you were chilling in your room doing your own thing (texted miles back😉)

You decided to stop being alone and go see everyone else who were lounging in the living area and making more mess for katsuki and izuku to clean up. Except when you stood up a tall naked blonde boy had emerged from your floor. Um. What the fuck.

You stood In shock for a moment stammering now knowing what to say, you accidentally looked down and saw his.. you raised your eyebrows and puffed out some air as he stuttered and tried to speak, but he saw where your eyes went and quickly covered.


You quickly shot a web at his hands incase he tried anything and threw a blanket at him.

"Who are you and WHAT are you doing in my dorm?!?" You screwed w up your face and then asked again, "how did you even get in, what did you do to my floor?!?"

"Okay just listen to me okay, I'm not a threat, I go here to UA I'm a second year hero course student. My name is Mirio Togata, you may have heard of me" he said at first carefully and then smiled at the mention of his own name and winked at you,

"Don't wink at me when your stood naked." You said as you tried to hide your laughter behind a brave facade,

"Okay, okay, anyway I'm here because of my quirk. I can move through any tangible matter, such as walls.. and flooooooors. Except I thought that this was my dorm, and I see that it's not and I'm extremely SO sorry" he explained, and finally you laughed,

"Alright nice to meet you mirio." You smiled as you held out your hand and remembered it was stuck,

"Oh um I'll unstick you but I don't have any guys clothes." You warned,

"Nothing you haven't seen before" he laughed as you unstuck him, and then looked up to him,
"Too soon?"

"No it's okay, but you should probably go now, it's getting late." You smiled, "oh wait I never told you my name I'm-"

"Y/n Parker, I already know, see you around y/n" he waved as he sunk back into the floor, strange.

You quickly ran out of the room, "MINA!" You shouted as you grabbed her arm, pulling her into your dorm and tried to explain to her the encounter that had just happened.


"Hun are you sure your not having a manic episode." She asked laughing as she felt your forehead, "well you don't have a fever." She whispered to herself before you tried to explain more calmly now.

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