Chapter one

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The bustling city of Republic City hummed with energy as people went about their daily routines. Nestled within this vibrant urban landscape was a charming art shop that beckoned to all those who appreciated creativity and beauty. The shop offered a diverse array of items, including clothing, dresses, paintings, and pottery.

Within the pottery room, bathed in soft natural light, a young woman named Yuki was immersed in her craft. As she delicately applied the final strokes of paint to a majestic vase, intricate Renaissance details began to emerge, weaving a story of beauty and artistry. Every brushstroke was a testament to her passion for the timeless art of pottery.


As Yuki was putting the finishing touches on the vase, her siblings and friends were preparing to close up shop when Allen poked his head inside the pottery room.

"Hey Yuki, we're about to close up. Do you want to come with us to the cafe after work?" he asked.

Yuki turned towards him.

"No, I'm fine. I'm going to visit my aunt's flower shop after I'm done. You guys can go on without me," Yuki replied as she set the vase aside for the paint to dry.

"Alright then, do you want something from the cafe before we leave?" Allen asked.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you though," Yuki said as she put up her apron and cleaned up her area.

However, Allen couldn't help but admire the vase.

"Whoa, this is so nice. It looks like it's from the Renaissance. You have some raw talent, Yuki," Allen complimented.

"Thank you, Allen. You know you're not bad yourself with all the trinkets you and Jake made," Yuki replied.

"Aw, shucks, Yuki, I'm glad you think so, but you are the most talented among us here," Allen humbly replied.

"Don't say that, you guys are talented too," Yuki responded. Despite her immense talent, she didn't want to overshadow the skills of others.

"Thanks, Yuki, I'm glad you think so too," Allen graciously replied.

Yuki had a big smile on her face.

Jill poked her head into the room and exclaimed, "Come on guys, I don't want to miss the new Mocha tea sales!" as she grabbed Allen's arm.

Both Allen and Yuki chuckled at Jill's enthusiasm.

"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming...see you later, Yuki," Allen waved goodbye.

"I promise to get you something, okay!" Jill said cheerfully as she happily pulled Allen out to meet up with the others.

Yuki smiled as she observed the group leaving the room, catching snippets of their conversation.

"Is everyone ready to head out?" Allen made sure.

"Yes, I'm all set," Jake confirmed.

"Hey, look!" Yui exclaimed, pointing out the window. "It's the Assassins!"

Gathering around the window, they watched 3 or 4 Assassins leaping from building to building in the distance. Yuki also caught a glimpse of the Assassins as they swiftly disappeared through the buildings.

"That's awesome! I wonder what it takes to become an Assassin," Jake mused.

"I don't know, Jake. Being an Assassin is extremely perilous," Allen cautioned.

"Come on, if I were an Assassin, I'd be the best one out there," Jake enthused.

"Yeah right, only in your dreams, kid," Yuriko chimed in, putting on his jacket. "If you were to become one, I bet you couldn't even climb walls like they do."

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