Chapter 2

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The sun shone brightly over Republic City, casting a warm glow on the bustling bakery around the corner

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The sun shone brightly over Republic City, casting a warm glow on the bustling bakery around the corner. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked goods and the sound of lively chatter. Customers filled the space, some patiently waiting in line while others sat at tables, engaged in lively conversations. Among them were the Frye twins, Jacob and Evie, and their friend Henry, deep in discussion about important matters.

 Among them were the Frye twins, Jacob and Evie, and their friend Henry, deep in discussion about important matters

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"It's reckless!" Henry exclaimed.

"It's clever! Those Mafia men control every criminal enterprise around the city. If they work for us," Jacob argued.

"Yes, but they only work for themselves, Jacob. And I'm sure the Republic won't appreciate us working with Mafia men," Evie stated firmly, cutting him off.

"Why not? If we can provide them with a solid incentive to work for us, we can gain control over the Mafia and their gangs, ultimately bringing the Templars to their knees."

"Jacob, are you suggesting that we should form our own army? The Republic already has its own military, and they could provide us with assistance," argued Henry, expressing his concern.

"Well, they do have their army, but they may not be able to address our specific issues without authorization from the council," Jacob countered, his tone defensive.

"That's because engaging with these people is not a prudent decision. It's not like the 1860s when everything could easily fall into place," Henry replied, voicing his reservations.

"Henry makes a valid point. In today's world, it's challenging for us Assassins to fulfill our duty of protecting the innocent. With the advancements in society and technology, we should consider collaborating with the Republic Headquarters to effectively achieve our goals." said Evie

Jacob let out a sigh of frustration. While he has the urge to cause chaos, he is aware that doing so would lead to legal consequences.

Evie's phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence of the bakery. With a quick "Hello? Commander?... yeah, just give me a moment," she hastily rose from her seat. "I'll be right back," she assured the two men before stepping outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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