They are my Parents

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antonella's pov

I woke nobody was home so I went to the kitchen there I found pancakes and a note from antonella 

It said sweety leo and I had to to the police for something very important that well tell you when we get back I made these for you

Okay what is going on why are they at the police and what is going on what is the important thing now I'm getting worried 

I sat and ate but then I noticed a paper laying under the table I picked it up and saw my name written on it and my date of birth I decided to carry on reading it

And I was shocked it said that antonella Messi is lionel and antonella messis biological daughter 


Are they parents 

But how why why did they leave me when I was born they didn't want me I guess

And my supposed to be parents were using me all these years

This is the best and worst day of my life 

Cause on the one hand I know who my real parents are and my real parents are proven to be total liars 

Then suddenly the door opened and antonella and leo showed up 

Or should I say mom and dad

Leo Messi is my dadWhere stories live. Discover now