Family problems

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Antonella's pov

This moment is one of the worst in our family 

My dad has lost the chance to help Argentina win at the copa America final

We were silently driving back home 

When my dad spoke up

That's it im quitting the National team-he said

what?-mom and i both said

please Leo i know you 're upset know but please think about it in the morning again what do you say-my mom spoke up

i dont think so-dad said

the rest of the ride home was silent

i said goodnight to my parents and went to my room

i checked my notifications and saw a message from cris jr

hey sorry for you dad maybe next time-he wrote

it's ok-i replied

hey i really miss you love-he wrote

well me too-i replied

my dad and i will be coming to buenos aires for vacation i'll text you when i get there so we can  maybe meet-he wrote

ok goodnight- i replies

goodnight beauty-he replied

well the question now is how am i gonna get out of the house i have to find an excuse

and the last thing i want now is to tell my parents the truth with what's happening right know

they cant know about chris no not

yet especially my dad will freak out

idk sometime i think that i shouldn;t have even started talking to cris in the first place

it's just a forbidden love i guess

i dont know what im gonna do know and i can feel that my dad knows that im hiding something

and im scared he'll find out and he'll be so disappointed in me

whatever i have to think about it in the morning

Leo Messi is my dadWhere stories live. Discover now