part 6.

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Sai'elle Milan Cole || Sai || 21
Location: Home📍

"LIKE i don't know what to do for emoni birthday and i haven't heard from tristan about anything, i don't know what to do mommy

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"LIKE i don't know what to do for emoni birthday and i haven't heard from tristan about anything, i don't know what to do mommy." sai cried to her mom, anita.

"i've been taking her out everyday with naloni but she keeps asking for tristan and i'm running out of excuses."

"well baby i say go pull up over his damn house and see whats going on. i don't like that and i hate when when people play with you and my grand-baby. but milan, you also have to trust God and believe he will guide you in the right path. i tell you this all the time baby girl. if you don't have anybody, you have me." anita said shaking her head and rubbing sai'elle's back.

"you're right mommy. i just try not to blow him up because i don't want to disrespect his relationship or anything he may be going through but he hasn't called in 2 weeks and emoni is confused. he's not usually like this honestly."

"girl fuck him. oh my excuse my language, may the Lord forgive me but what he's going through isn't irrelevant or his relationship but when EMONI is involved, i say do what you gotta do."

"emoni is an innocent child that YALL brought into this world so tristan better get it together and help you raise her the right way before i call debbie and leanne. shit don't make no sense." anita said disappointed.

footsteps was heard towards the living room so anita and sai'elle looked over towards the hallway.

"momm- HI GRANDMA." emoni screamed running to her favorite person, her grandma.

"hi my rosebud. i missed you. how are you?"

"i'm good nana. my birthday is soon, where's my gift?"

"emoni- oh please milan let her slide she'll be the birthday girl in 3 days." sai started but was cut off by her mother anita.

"okay nita, not too much now girly pop."

"sai'elle milan, you may be grown but never too grown for me too whoop your hind parts."

"mommy nita girl- okay. emoni ask grandma to do your hair, i need to shower and take care of some things. OKAY BYEEE."


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