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I was finally settled into my new apartment it looked quite cozy especially since it was fall it's always been my favourite season.

 I got in my car and began driving, i need a new job so i started looking at local bakery's , hair salons and more everyone turned me down telling me "sorry we don't need extra help" or "i don't think you have enough experience" i was losing hope ...

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I got in my car and began driving, i need a new job so i started looking at local bakery's , hair salons and more everyone turned me down telling me "sorry we don't need extra help" or "i don't think you have enough experience" i was losing hope until i found a store called "cloud 9" it was quite basic looking so i had to be accepted here right?
i parked my car and as i was headed towards the doors i saw a bright yellow poster reading " NOW HIRING" which gave me some relief as i walked through the doors i saw a blonde old man with the title Glenn store manager written on his badge.

"uhm hi are you still hiring?" i say nervously

"yeah ofcourse follow me to my office!" glenn exclaimed

he had a really high pitched voice it oddly matched his face i followed him into his office it was small but homey he had pictures of what i assume his kids on his desk and corny "i believe in you" posters plastered on his walls

"so i just need afew silly details like if you have a criminal record just some things like that" he smiled

"oh uh no i dont" i laugh awkwardly

"oh good you would be surprised how many employees here do" he smiled "so just fill in this form and you can start tommorow " he said handing me a clipboard and pen.

i fill in the form the sound of scribbling fills the room i hand him the clipboard and smile to try and ease the tension

"okey dokey well i will see you tomorrow missy 6am sharp" he points at me jokingly.

"yeah don't worry i will be here see ya"i say before leaving

he seems nice i think to myself before getting in my car and driving off. The drive home felt shorter then the drive there, i was just happy that i finally got a job yeah.. it was a store that seemed to be abit weird but it was still something..

i got inside hung my coat up placed my shoes in the little shoe compartment and sat on my sofa endlessly scrolling on insta it was now 9:05pm so i decided to start getting ready for bed i got a shower before changing into pyjamas drying my hair and brushing my teeth i set an alarm for 5:00am then get into bed i layed there just thinking about this new job will i hate it? will it be boring? will it be fun? i turned over before finally closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

hiii sorry if this is short but oh well idek if people on this app even watch superstore but i thought it would be fun to write something on it so yeah 😋

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