...1st day...

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my alarm went off at exactly 5:00am i sat up stretched and dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth i then went back to my room to straighten my hair and pick out an outfit i decided to go with something cozy to fit the fall vibe.

my alarm went off at exactly 5:00am i sat up stretched and dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth i then went back to my room to straighten my hair and pick out an outfit i decided to go with something cozy to fit the...

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i changed did some light makeup made a sandwich and left it is now 5:30am i got in my car and began driving the roads were surprisingly a little busy i finally arrived at the store its 5:58am
glenn saw me and smiled
"hey delilah are you ready for your first day" he smiled handing me a dark blue vest

"yeah i am" i say smiling back

"okay go straight to the break room that's were we go in the mornings so i can do my daily announcements" he said sounding awfully cheery for 6am

"uhm okay.." i say walking away to go to the break room

i made my way through the isles walking into the break room silence filled the walls every one looked at me "uh hi" i smiled awkwardly as i hung my coat up and threw my vest on i sat down on a table at the back every one went back to conversating but this time it was more whispering and it sounded like it was about me i shook it off and went on my phone glenn finally walked in a clipboard in hand he started to talk about regular store things before he pointed at me "this is delilah she is joining our cloud nine family stand up and introduce yourself" he said with a wide smile

"oh uh okay"i say as i stand up"well my name is delilah rose and uhm well im happy to be here" i smiled awkwardly before sitting down a wave of hi's and welcome's washed over the room i was assigned to "zone soft lines" i think that just means fold and fix all the shirts im not too sure but that's what i did i was paired with someone called mateo i followed him over to the clothing corner "so do i just fold these" i say holding up a creased shirt

"oh yeah by the way your like super pretty" mateo said gathering all the creased shirts

"thank you" i smiled

"so do you think anyone here is cute"he said giving me a mischievous look

"im not to sure yet but i'll let you know" i smiled back now folding the shirts

"you should sit with me and cheyenne on break we will update you on everything" he said mainly talking with his hands

"yeah sure i will" i laughed softly

we started finishing up it took surprisingly long to fold afew shirts but oh well

"let's go get cheyenne and take our break now girl we have so much gossip for you"

"okay then" i laugh

we get cheyenne and make our way to the break room.

i tried to make this abit longer but yeah so i was thinking to just get her some friends before she meets marcus but she will meet him soon 🗣️

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