The Mission (Part 4)

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Sonic and Charmy started to make their way around the Facility, Not wanting to get caught as they needed to get Espio into the Computer Room.

Vector followed Loosely, Making sure no one followed or was near them.

They weren't able to spot any Security guards, Which was a good sign for them.

Vector continued to check their surroundings, While Espio crawled into the vents, and Sonic running around.

Charmy, Knowing it wouldn't be on the first floor, Made his way to the elevator when-

Sonic:  "Left!... ESPIO LEFT. "

Espio:  "WHO'S LEFT!? "


Charmy:  "*Demonic screeching*"

Vector:  "... You know, When you said Charmy was a Hellspawn, I thought you were joking... "

Espio:  "Vector go check on him... "

Vector:  "On it... "

Sonic:  "ESPIO GO LEFT. "

Espio:  "I AM LEFT"


Vector walked around, Until he stumbled upon Charmy's Honey-Bag. (Not Sponsored by Honey's clothing line)

He started to run around again, Trying to find the little annoying Bee.

He worried if he was missing, The whole Golden Honey Colony would go after him for their Prince's disappearance.

He continued to run around the endless hallways and checked every room he ran into, And finally, He saw Charmy playing with a Few Badniks.

Vector:  " Charmy!? What are you doing with Those... Monsters!? "

Charmy:  "Relax Boss! I handed them some Chocolate and they were really friendly!! They even handed me the map for the Computer room!... Also I thought the General... Sargent thing dude handed you guys s map!? "

Vector:  "It was for locating the facility... Also, You're sure they won't hurt you? "

Charmy:  "Ye! "

Vector:  "... Alright then... Stay here, We'll call you when you're needed. "

Charmy:  "Okay Boss! "

Vector ran back to the two bickering Cool Coloured animals, And handed them the map to the Computer room.

Espio:  ".... Ohh, 5th floor.. "

Sonic:  "... I feel like an idiot for shouting directions.. "

Espio:  "Because you are one! "

Sonic:  "I'll tell mighty you like him! "

Espio:  "!!.. You wouldn't dare! "

Vector:  "Stop fighting like children!!! We don't need another annoying insect already! "

Espio:  "... I'm a Reptile-

Sonic:  "Well then let's go!! "

All three of them walked back to the elevator, With vector striding pridefully and Espio following behind.

Charmy hopped on the elevator with them, And up they went to the computer room.

Meanwhile with Mighty and Ray:

Mighty sat next to his little brother as they waited for Espio to call them.

He wouldn't take his eyes off of Ray, Making sure nothing bad would happen again.

He's been extremely cautious ever since the incident... Poor little Guy had to go through that...

He sighed and looked over to what Ray was playing,
Chuckling to himself as Ray was stuck on the easiest level.

Mighty:  "Need help? "

Ray:  "... Yes... "

Mighty:  "well, You gotta restart the game first... Then what you need to do is you need to-
*insert game mechanics*"

Ray:  "... Oh... Okay.... Thanks Mighty... "

Mighty:  "need more help? "

Ray:  "... No... "

Mighty:  "Alright, Just call me if you need anything. "

He smiled at his brother and patted his head as he watched him play the game.

Smiling as Ray was determined to pass this level...
It's been 8 days since he tried to beat it...

They both heard the Walky Talky turn on, And they both listened to what Espio had to say...

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