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We pull into the driveway of a really nice big house.


"What?" My brother gives me a strange look

"That's a big house." It's huge 2 story with a huge patio and driveway that curves around a small fountain.

Our house is big but not that big.

We walk inside and I see way too many people.

"I thought this was just a small gathering." I yell to my brother over the music.

I was too busy admiring the house to notice how many cars were parked out front.

"It is. You should've seen the last party I went too."

"I should've stayed home." I mutter to myself.

"Want a drink?"

"No, I'm-"

"Oh my gosh Will!" A girl screeches. She runs and throws her arms around him.

This must be the infamous girlfriend I have yet to meet.

"Let's go take shots!" She starts pulling at his arm and he looks at me pleading with his eyes. I shrug.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do at parties. I've never been to one. Me and my friends usually just chill and watch movies.

I decide to explore this big house. There has to at least be one quiet room here. I try to walk but I keep getting pushed around by people.

"Emerie? Is that you?" I turn my head to see who just said my name.

Bella, one of my best friends.

"Bella? What are you doing here?" I grab her arm and we walk to a wall, farther away from the crowd.

"What are you doing here?" She repeats.

"I was forced to come by my brother. I didn't know it was going to be a party!" She laughs at me.

"Well I'm glad you're here, you never go to parties with us!" She starts pulling me back towards the crowd. Everyone is jumping and pushing and yelling and dancing. I hate it.

"Bell, you know parties aren't my scene." She continues dragging me.

"Oh cmon it's one night I think you'll live. Let's go say hi to everyone I think they're in the kitchen.

After shoving against a million people we get to an even more crowded kitchen.Everyone is taking shots or smoking or doing some sort of illegal thing. I immediately regret even leaving the house.

Parties seem so much more fun in the books.

"Bella! Over here!" Someone yells. That someone is Kelsea.

All three of us have been a trio since elementary, but we expanded over the years.

We get closer to them by the fridge where Kelsea is currently smoking a blunt.

I honestly could use that right now. I snatch it out of her hand and take a hit.

"What the- Wait, Emerie?" She looks at me with wide eyes.

I blow out smoke in her face. She laughs and pulls me into a hug

"Girl what are you doing here?" She says gripping my shoulders.

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