Gloved Hands

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My snowy mountain town, all snowy. Bad start? Sorry. So I'm standing here in my bathroom, trying to keep my hair from flailing around. My green hat put neatly on my head as I grabbed my black gloves plus an extra pair for Kenny. Kenny.... Kenny.... the adorable blonde boy who stole my heart after I realized how much of an ass I was growing up. Never in my life have I so desperately wanted him to stay at my house. I'm getting ahead of what I want. I walked down the stairs and reached the door. "Where are you going, bubbie?" My mom was cradled up with a book in her hand and a coffee on the coffee table. "My friends and I are going over to the arcade. Cartman invited me." She first grew confused but let it go. "Alright, have fun! Oh wait, here's a hundred." She gave me the money and kissed my cheek before I pushed open the door. The cold air hit my face as I noticed a silhouette sitting on my porch steps. "Hey Kenken." I said. He turned his head to me and jumped up. He tackled me in a hug with a very amused smile on his face. I chuckled as I put my arms around him. "Hi Kyle!" I swear I'm at my happiest right now.

"What's gotten you so bubbly?" He shrugged as the embrace ended. "Oh here.." I gave him the extra pair and I could tell he was now much more happy.

We walked all the way over to the arcade and there stood three silhouettes. Butters, Stan and Cartman. "Oh hey fellas." The little stick of butter greeted us. "Let's just get this over with please." Cartman Said as he pulled the push door of the arcade. Dumbass. I noticed how stan was smiling while typing. Wendy. Duh. I'm happy he's happy obviously but sometimes I want to kick him.

It felt as though we were there for hours just laughing, eating, drinking (soda obviously) and basically bounding. Butters was talking about how he's been on dates with girls and guys but they all seemed to just not be for him. Cartman obviously called us all gay like that wasn't obvious. Stan was glued too his phone until Wendy showed up out of nowhere and hung it with us for the rest of the night. Kenny was laughing and making jokes about his love life which really is just him trying to date anyone who can breathe correctly. A thought came to mind in the middle of him talking and it can be explained in just one sentences: Would Kenny ever wanna date me?

"And you Kyle? Any new chick's that dig your weird Ginger red hair?" I shook my head and glared at Him. "News flash, I'm gay." Somehow this caused everyone at the table to look at me, in a 'really??' Type of way, Well, Except kenny. "Well congrats for figuring it who you are, Happy pride month." Butters Congratulated while sipping on his soda. Cartmans eyes widened and he suddenly looked like he forgot something important. "Kinnie you didn't tell me it was pride month, I would've bought a badge saying how I'm the reason gay couples exist." This made Butters spit out his soda and went into a laughing fit. "Cartman you are not the reason that gay couples exist, dumbass." Wendy said as her hand hovered over Stan's. Oh right! Butters, Stan and Wendy are the 'bisexual besties' at school. How did I forget Stans sexuality? "Ya know sometimes I forget I'm the only straight one here." He said rather uncomfortably, like he was keeping something. Suddenly everyone bursted out laughing. As the laughing died down I put my head on Kenny's shoulder. Can this be life? Please.

Both me and Kenny waved farewell to our friends and as everyone but Stan turned their heads, I gave him a thumbs up. We've been having these sleepovers where he would talk for hours long about Wendy, and because I'm a supportive best friend, I help him plan out how to ask her out. It felt good to tell everyone I'm gay, Its been on my mind for days and for a seventeen year old who has alot of school work, I found it hard to make time for certain things. Me and Ken would stay up With all these Gay quizzes on the internet, Each one would tell me I'm 98% Percent gay which made me a little scared. I swear I liked girls before.... Right? As that thought came to mind, I felt a pair of Gloved Hands slowly hold mine. I was the one who decided to interwind out hands. Suddenly he stopped. I stopped and turned to him. "You good Ken?" He thought for a moment before opening his mouth. "Can I stay at your today? I don't wanna go home.." The sympathy I have for this Blonde boy is slowly starting to creep on me. "Sure I don't mind, You know my mom cares about you." he continued to walk and so did I. "What are you guys having for dinner." He asked as he Squeezed my hand. "I don't know, I didn't ask." we reached my front door and a thought came to mind. I turned to him. "Should we go get your clothing from you house?" he shrugged, "I'm poor anyways kyle, I barely have clothing dude." Doesn't he was a job? "You can just borrow mine, Its fine." My face was a little red but I shrugged it off and opened my front door. Mom was still reading, Dad was in the kitchen and Ike was doing his homework. Mom looked up and beemed when she saw the blonde.

Dinner was full with my mom just Smothering Kenny and Berating him with questions. I cleaned both Mine and kenny's Plate and grabbed his hand, he waved My mother goodbye while I ran upstairs. I slammed the door shut With a new warm scent that caught my attention. Thanks to my heater that was built into my ceiling Everything was warm in my room and it helped more that I live in this Snowy, Mountain town. "Jeez kyle, Can I just move in, This room is warmer than the rest of the house." I chuckled. "Sure, I don't mind extra company, Especially from you." Can I please shut up? "Especially from me? In What context are you saying this from?" He moved forward, slowly coming closer and closer. I grinned and looked away. "You know what I meant Kenny." He hugged me before anything else could be said. My arms slowly crawled around his neck as my chin rested on his shoulder. We started to sway around slowly like we were at some kind of ball. "Kyle, Was it good to tell the rest of the group? Is that weight off your shoulder or am I still the reason why its there?" I chuckled and tried to pull away but his grip was tight so I found myself in the position as before. "The first option." We laughed. He looked around and something caught his eye in my closet. "Is that a Fox painting?" He walked over to the painting and picked it up slowly. My face was red from embarrasment. "Kyle, I didn't know you like foxes. Did you draw this?" I nodded still from all the embarrasment that was currently flowing through my veins. "I love foxes too if your wondering." he stated while going through my closet, finding a dark green hoodie and proceeded to take off his Orange parka. He only wore a white tank top and swung the hoodie over his head. "If you want to look at me, why don't you just ask for a picture?" he smirked while flexing his arms. I shook my head, took my clothes and stormed to the bathroom. After fully changing, I stormed back into my room to find Ken all Cuddled up in my bed with the Hello kitty plush that Butters bought me for my Birthday. I push the covers over and got myself comfortable. Kenny always gets Nightmares so sometimes he calls me at 4 am or show up at my window for a suprise sleepover. I never judged though, I know how he lives, I know how hard he's had it for years. So When I felt his warm hand slowly crawl to my hand and grip it hard, I didn't say anything or Judged.

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