Dark green hoodie | Her plumped lips

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The sweat glued to my forehead as the dreams got worse, Swords beings thrown at kenny, Him shootintg himself, his dead corpse being eaten by some rats And every time someone shouts the same line 'Oh my god! THEY KILLED KENNY' And 'You Bastards'. That sweat finally found its way down my face, and I woke up quickly the moment Kenny or Mysterion threw himself into a pit of spikes. My breathing grew heavy, and I couldn't find the correct way to breathe. Get ahold of yourself, broflovski. "Kyle? Are you ok?" I nodded while wiping my tears away and cuddled up to his sides, My grip was fairly tight, not wanting him to disappear in front of me. "I guess this is fine too." he said and crawled his hands around my back and turned to his sides so he could look at my face. " You'll be fine.." He said this as I gripped His dark green hoodie, Well, hopefully still mine.

The feeling of someone's hand in my hair grew incredibly annoying. I groaned and turned away from the light coming out of my curtain. "Kenny, stop touching my hair, you douche bag!" His chuckles fulled my ear. "Do you want me to yank you hair! Stop!" His hand dropped from the top of my head to my back, drawing cirlces. I felt shivers down my spine and turned around. Sighing loudly, I got up and wondered to my closet. "Why are you going? Why are you getting dressed? Can't we stay in today?" His arms went around my waist as I tried to find other hoodies that Kenny didn't take. "The library." I deadpanned, and He made a frown. "Broflovski, We have the summer off, Why are you going to the library?" Finally, I found my Orange Jacket, the one I always wear. For some reason, all of my nightmares kept on coming back when I wore something that reminded me of him. Like whenever I felt his touch, it would play back like a record player. I squeezed my eyes shut, just trying to get those thoughts out of my head. "Kyle!" He shook my shoulders and came very close to my face. Godamnit Kenny! Why can't you see I'm Internally struggling because of you! "Wah-What?" His face grew sympathetically. His hands that were on my shoulder pulled my face down a bit so it could land on his shoulder. His scent, mixed with my own, created something beautiful. Another reason why I love him.....Love?......Love.....LOVE! I LOVE KENNY MCCORMICK!

Stan's pov
As everyone turned their heads, Kyle gave me a thumbs up, signaling to ask her out already! I gave him a reassuring smile before fully walking away with Wendy. She kept talking on and on about some random debate she had at school. Obviously, I kept on listening to it because It really was super interesting. Her passion for politics is exactly another reason why I love her. "Stan, did you hear anything I just said?" I shook my head. Oh shit. "Uhh...Ummm." She giggled at my stupidity. "Oh Stan, always so silly." She stood on her tippy-toes to reach my lips. My red face didn't even comprehend what happened, but suddenly we were kissing. This felt... amazing. Obviously, this isn't my first kiss. Heck, not even my second. but this felt like I was really alive. Her plumped lips felt amazing. She then stopped. "Bye-bye stan, See you tomorrow! Make sure to meet me at Tweaks Bros. coffee at ten am! K?" Did she just ask me out? I didn't even have to do anything..... YESSSSSSS!!! "Stan, Honey, are you just gonna continue to stand there in the cold?" My mom called out. "Oh yeah, coming, Ma!" I ran inside and stormed back into my room. I quickly texted kyle and crawled into bed with my journal. As I skipped various different journal openings. From over 2 years ago. Huh? Ohhhhh....Yeah... Butters... I skim read the opening, wincing at how cringy it sounded, but that is just how love can be sometimes. 

Dear Dairy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Today is my boyfriend's and I's anniversary, and I got him a bunch of hello kitty things. He loved it so much we had a make-out session. Just to clarify, We made out. AHHHHHH. I know I'm writing this on paper, but I'm really screaming. He got me a Knit Sweater, Blue of course, and Movie tickets to a terrance and Phillip musical, FRONT ROW. Goddamnit I love Butters                                                                 -Stan

Jeez, I really was cringy back then, huh? Doesn't really matter, Butters really was a good boyfriend. Ok, enough of that. It's time to write a poem about why I love Wendy.

Kyle pov
"These actors are obviously bad at their job." My hand was full with chips as Kenny took the chip bag away from me. "I know, right?" Sitting sideways in his lap as we watched a weird ass movie. "Why are they just standing around!? Theres literally a b@mb behind them?!?!?" I shouted at the screen as Ken chuckled. "I don't know, maybe their deaf or something?" I looked at him for a second before laughing my ass off. I held my stomach as I laughed so hard. Breathing became hard. I coughed and tried to control my breathing once again. "Woah, Kyle, come down, dude." He said worryingly and put my head that was currently spinning on his lap. "If you're not careful them you might contract asthma." I was gonna laugh again but didn't because the outcome would be the same as what I'm in. I shifted so I could look at the screen as Kenny covered me up with my blanket we were using before I went into a laughing fit. 

Somehow, I fell asleep right then and there. Actually, it was easy to fall asleep when Kenny kept messaging my head. Not pulling or tugging, just messaging. Plus, it helped greatly with his warm hands. Everything about my made me wonder if i had ever been straight. No way in hell did I ever like girls....right? While in my sleep, I could feel him shift, so he was under the blanket but still next to me. That's why i found myself in the embrace of his body. he's still wearing my dark green hoodie. We might as well go shop for new clothing, all just for Kenny.




It's all about Kenny

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