Coffee shop | our lips

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Stan's pov
My nervous system sky rocketed as a knock rang through my house. Was I ready for this? There is only one way to find out. As the door swung open, the pitch black hair swung all the way to her hips. Purple shirt tucked in with a cardigan plus a yellow skirt. Black tights with black Dr. martins. Her makeup looks exotic with a pastel swing to it. Her smile lighted up my world as I stepped out of the house to greet her. "Hey Wendy." A small smile started to approach my lips. "Hi Stan." She looped her arms around mine before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Ready to go?" She asks before showing me her car. "Of course I am." 

The car ride was full of our usual favorite songs. Once we reached Tweaks Bros. coffee shop, we entered the place, and our nose was instantly hit with the smell of coffee. "Gah! How can I help you guys?" Tweek said as we reached the counter. "One ice coffee, please?" Tweek wrote things down on his paper then looked at me. "Oh, uhhhhhh." I looked at the menu. "Uhh, one regular black coffee, please?" Tweek nodded his head and then turned around to start with our coffee. West down on a table mostly in the back. "This is an amazing place, right Stan?" I grinned. "Uhh yeah, definitely." She squeezed my hand with a happy smile on her face. "Ever since I came out, you're the only one I've really had." I nodded. "And I always will." I brought her hand up to my face and kissed it. Tweek then came out of nowhere without coffees. "Can we get the bill already, please?" He nodded and headed back to the counter. "Are we going anywhere else today?" She took a sip before answering, "it wouldn't be a date without going to various places." She smiled. 

Kyle's pov
He wasn't looking at my eyes. He was looking at my lips. He suddenly moved forward, so I closed my eyes. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes again, and just like i thought, he was dangerously close. His hand was on my cheek, and his hot breath was on my face. I pulled the first move and kissed him. It felt as though the stars just aligned perfectly for us. Eventually, we were full on making out. Our lips together felt like it was meant to never be apart.

Once he pulled away, he looked ashamed. "Kyle, I'm so sorry -" I shushed him. "Don't apologies Ken, I've been wanting this for a long time." He looked confused. "Actually...Ken...can we talk....please?" His face turned into sympathy as my voice came out more nervous and shaky. "Of course, Kyle. " I lied back down and opened my hands for Kenny. "I've been having....these...weird dreams... and in each always..die? They feel so real, Ken." He looked up at me. "Kyle, they're real." I grew very confused. "Are you sure? If you're dead, then how are you here?" He chuckled at looked at my ceiling. "I can't die, Kyle." My mind was swarming with questions, but it felt as though I would bother him with my weird questions. "Kenny, if you even need someone, I'm here to talk to." He grinned and turned his body to mine. "Sure you will."

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