Minji - fling?

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After our big performance, I patiently wait for my stylist to help me take off the hair pins and accessories in my hair. "have fun out there?" I look up at the mirror and see Minji's reflection behind me, her hand moving to rest on my shoulder.

My eyes quickly scan the room, nervous someone might walk in, "Minji..." I say, but she just shakes her head and moves to caress my face. "Shh, everyone's too busy celebrating and having fun, it's just us..." I stare up at her through the mirror, her outfit tonight is truly breathtaking. Minji's hands travel to my neck and I giggle.

You see, Minji and I have a weird...friendship. We were friends as trainees and got even closer when we debuted, but sometimes when things would get too much we'd find ourselves in the other's arms...or bed...that's how it started at least.

"You're so touchy all the time" I say and get up from the chair to face Minji, pulling her into my arms. I think she needed it more than me though because her arms wrap around me and hold onto me like she doesn't want to let go. "I love you..." I hear her say, my eyes widen, pulling away I look at her like she's crazy. "What?!" My tone is a bit harsh, but I'm just very shocked.

I see Minji's expression falter which makes me feel a sense of guilt at the way I reacted. My expression softens and I take Minji's hand in mine. "Minji..." she pulls her hand away, fuck..

I see her shake her head and frown feeling sad. My heart breaks at the sight and I reach out to her again. "Hey...I'm sorry I overreacted, I just..." staring at her I try to find the words to describe how I feel, "I just really didn't expect that." She nods, still not saying anything

(Minji's POV)

When I tell Y/n I love her, her reaction surprised me a little. I mean, we've been a fling for so long I thought it meant something to her...maybe that's all it was though, a fling.

I can't help but to feel upset and sad. I mean, I feel like I've wasted so much of my time and energy on her, seriously thinking we could be something real.


Suddenly, Y/n pulls Minji into a tight hug, not allowing the older girl to escape her embrace. "Minji just hear me out okay?" Y/n says. For a second Minji contemplates it, but eventually gives in to the thought. Y/n lets out a sigh and starts to gently talk to Minji.

"First off I want to say I love you too," Y/n pauses to place a comforting kiss on Minji's cheek, which leaves the taller girl a blushing mess. "Second of all, stop trying to escape my grasp because you're not going anywhere, okay?" Minji nods. Y/n then giggles and playfully rolls her eyes, nudging Minji. "You're so quick to get upset" say Y/n.

Minji then playfully pushes Y/n on the couch and gets on top of her "what did you say?!" Minji says, her hands ready to attack the girl under her with tickles. And just like that Y/n's eyes widen while protesting, "W-Woah! Woah! Hey-"

A/N- it's been awhile since I've wrote so bare with me guys🙏🏼

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