Hanni - jealousy

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These days Y/n has been getting veryyy close with a certain member, which wasn't a big deal, but now it's starting to become a bit excessive. This left Hanni to develop a new emotion that she's never felt before during their relationship. It was new to her and she wasn't sure what to do or how to react.

The girls were all huddled around doing a live for bunnies. Hanni noticed how you chose to sit next to Danielle instead of her. She can't help but feel a little hurt, but she knows you two can't be together all the time or bunnies will start to get suspicious.

The live goes on and you all take turns reading and answering questions, out of nowhere Hyein reads one, "Danielle and Y/n look like a clingy couple! hahaha" The girls laugh and tease them while Hanni frowns.

(Hanni's POV)

When Hyein reads the comment out loud I feel my stomach turn and a wave of anger hits me. I don't understand why I'm feeling this way, it's obviously a joke so why am I taking it so seriously? I clench my jaw and let out a sigh, just wanting this live to be over and done with already.

While zoning out I feel someone nudge me, I quickly turn around and focuses on them. I'm met with Minji, she looks down at me with a reassuring smile, but I can see the look of concern in her eyes. "You okay?" She whispers to me. I just nod and look away.

Minji isn't stupid though, she's my best friend and can practically see right through me, from the corner of my eye I see her glance at Y/n and Danielle then at me. "It's just fan service, don't worry too much" she whispers back. I shake my head, fan service or not it's still annoying and kind of disrespectful to our relationship.

I feel my hands ball into a fist as I can't stand to watch them fake flirt any longer, I lean forward and clap my hands. "Okayyy that should wrap up this live, thank you bunnies for all the love and support that had gotten us to where we are today!" I flash the fakest smile ever and the girls follow my actions, bidding a farewell.

Once the live ended I excuse myself and go up to my room, which I share with Y/n...

(Y/n's POV)

The live ends and I get up to say goodnight to the girls. From the corner of my eye I see Hanni already walking out the door. Hmm that's strange..

I make my way into our room and quickly lock the door. "Baby?~" I call for Hanni but she's no where to be seen, what's up with her recently?

"Hanniiiii, where are youuu?" Hanni suddenly emerges from the bathroom in a towel which kind of surprised me, "oh uh...sorry" I awkwardly cover my eyes so she can change, but I hear her let out a scoff. My mood falters, her scoff confirms my suspicions of her being mad at me.

When she's changed I open my eyes and move to lay down next to her, "Baby...?" No reply. "Hanniiii" No reply again. I let out a sigh and sit up, "What's wrong with you?" My tone isn't the most friendliest when I say that, but in my defense she was ignoring me!

In a blink of an eye, Hanni quickly turns to me and starts yelling, "What's wrong with me?! Oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact that you're all over Danielle these days- I mean, did you just forget that you have a girlfriend or something?"

I stare at her in shock, I've never heard Hanni yell like that, especially not at me. I start to feel very regretful now, starting to understand where she's coming from, I mean she has every right to feel that way of course.

Before I can do anything I see Hanni's eyes tear up, my eyes widen and I'm quick to hold her hands in mine. "Baby-" I then pull Hanni into my arms. "I'm so sorry...I..I was so stupid not to consider your feelings"

Feeling Hanni's tears stain my shit breaks my heart, but this is my fault to begin with, I stroke her hair and lay gentle kisses on her head. "Please forgive me..." I ask her but she pulls away, wiping her tears.

"It's okay...but please don't do it again..." I nod and kiss her softly on her lips, promising to never ever let fan service or anyone for that matter, get between us again.

A/N - ermmm kinda rushed this towards the end but yeaaaa, any requests..? (Didn't review it so if there are any mistakes pls lmk)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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