Episode 5

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Anda and Lookaew rode a motorcycle to the location given by Prewa. After 40 minutes, they finally arrived. Lookaew ran towards her friends.

"Be careful, Lookaew, you might fall!" shouted Anda in concern.

Lookaew ignored Anda's warning and fell.

"Ouch, that hurts," said Lookaew.

They all ran towards Lookaew.

"I told you not to run. You're too stubborn," said Anda.

"Are you okay, Lookaew?" asked Noon.

"I'm okay, just a little scratch," Lookaew replied.

"Give me your hand, let me apply some ointment," said Anda.

"No, it's just a small scratch," Lookaew replied.

"Look at how stubborn you are," Anda said.

"Okay, here," Lookaew replied, reaching out her hand.


"Hey, Prewa, was it him who brought Lookaew earlier?" Atom whispered.

"Yes," Prewa whispered back.

"Why were they so close earlier and in a hurry to leave?" Noon interjected.

"I don't know, but that guy is not bad-looking," Mer commented.

"Hey, don't mess with me, Mer Arisha," Atom said angrily.

"Why are you getting angry at me? Are you jealous that I said he's good-looking?" Mer replied.

"Prewa, those two are already starting to argue like two lions," Noon whispered.

"You go and stop them now," Prewa said.

"Why should I?" Noon replied.

"If I have to intervene, it'll turn out differently," Prewa said.

"Oh, you guys are impossible," Noon replied resignedly.

Noon went to Atom and Mer and calmed them down.

"Stop fighting, you'll end up getting married," Noon said.

"If that's the case, let me fight with her every day," Atom replied.

"Ugh, I can't stand you, Atom," Mer said as she walked into the van.

"Now Mer is upset," Noon replied.

"Why is she always picking a fight with me today?" Atom asked.

Can you see she in a badmood today, Atom? I mean she on her period today"_ Prewa said"

"Why didn't she talk to me instead? She's always angry," Atom complained.

"Hey, how can someone suddenly say she's having her period? They must be embarrassed too," Noon replied.

"Try to be more like Noon. Even though she's slow, at least her brain functions," Prewa commented.

"Thank you, Prewa," Noon replied.

"I'm annoyed with you guys," Atom said and left.

"Why is it always us who have to deal with their fights?" Noon asked.

"One's having mood swings, the other is jealous," Prewa said.


Lookaew has been treated by Anda. She walked towards Prewa and Noon.

"What's wrong with Atom and Mer?" Lookaew asked.

"They were arguing," Prewa replied.

"Why do you guys always fight?" Lookaew asked.

"I don't know, it's stressful being the mediator," Noon replied.

"Wait, let me introduce the person who helped me," Lookaew said.

"Who?" Noon asked.

"Anda!" Lookaew shouted.

Anda ran towards Lookaew.

"Introduce this friend of mine. Noon and Prewa," Lookaew said.

"Hi, I'm Anda Anitha, but you can call me Anda," Anda said.

"Anda!" Noon shouted.

"Hey, Noon," Anda replied.

They hugged each other, surprising Lookaew and Prewa.

"Do you guys know each other?" Lookaew asked.

"Anda and I went to the same school during elementary school," Noon replied.

"Yes, I was in the same school as Noon," Anda said.

"Oh, that makes sense," Lookaew replied.

"Where's Atom?" Anda asked.

"That's Atom. He's sulking with his sweetheart earlier," Noon teased.

"Wow, he already has a sweetheart? Lucky him," Anda said.

"Why? Are you still single?" Noon teased.

"I'm not looking for one," Anda replied.

"Ahem," Prewa cleared her throat.

"Oh, right, I forgot you're here," Noon said.

"You guys are so happy you forgot we're here too," Lookaew added.

"Sorry, we haven't seen each other in a long time," Anda said.

"It okay," Lookaew replied resignedly.

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder and they were all surprised. Lookaew quickly hugged Anda, and Prewa hugged Noon.

Noon and Anda were surprised, not by the thunder, but because of the two little girls hugging them tightly.

"You've been hugging me for so long," Anda said.

"Sorry, I was just startled earlier," Lookaew replied, releasing her hug.

"Hey, Prewa, aren't you going to let go of me? I might die here from suffocation," Noon said.

"Oh, you're too much," Prewa replied.

"I think it's best if we find a place to stay for today. It's getting dark, and it looks like it's going to rain," Anda suggested.

"That's a good idea, Anda," Noon replied.

"But where are we going to sleep?" Lookaew asked.

"There's a budget hotel right in front," Anda answered.

"A budget hotel? That sounds scary," Noon said.

"Do you have any other suggestions, Noon?" Anda asked.

"No," Noon replied shortly.

"Well, let's go then," Prewa said.

To be continued...

Owner of my heart ( pemilik Hatiku) English verWhere stories live. Discover now