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Hello, my lovely pookies! 

I hope you're all enjoying my story so far! 

I'm sending you all lots of love and hugs. 

You guys are the best, and I'm so grateful for your support. 

Remember, you are all reflections of beauty, inside and out! That word was made for amazing people like you. Stay hydrated, stay happy, and keep shining your light! 

 #LoveYouAll #StayBeautiful #PookiesUnite"


ओ जादू है रे जादू तेरी बातों 

में सुनी सुनी काली काली रातों में 


Aakash and a few other relatives of Kriti's in law were with Kabir. They were all chattering away, expressing how happy they were about the vacation and the relief they would be receiving.

As the sun sets over the vibrant streets of Goa, Kabir's gaze wanders through the crowd, searching for something that captures his attention. That's when he sees her - Anshika standing alone, detached from the revelry, her eyes fixed on something in the distance. Her expression is a mix of anguish and trepidation, as if she's confronting a daunting fear. The scent of her anxiety is palpable, like a fragile flower struggling to bloom.

Anshika's dressed in a simple yet elegant summer outfit - a pair of fitted jeans, a cropped top, and a shrug jacket slung casually over her shoulders. Her beauty is understated, yet radiant, like a moonlit night. Kabir is transfixed, his eyes glued to her as if she's the only person in the world.

To him, she's the most breathtaking sight in all of Goa, perhaps even the entire world. Her vulnerability and grace have captured his heart, and he feels an overwhelming urge to approach her, to comfort her, to be her refuge. The crowd fades into the background, and all that remains is the two of them, suspended in a moment of mutual longing.

Kabir's gaze never wavers, his eyes locked onto hers, hoping to convey a message of support and understanding. He senses that she's struggling, that she's lost in a world of her own fears and doubts. And in that instant, he knows that he wants to be the one to help her find her way back, to be her beacon of hope in the darkness.

He had no idea why he was feeling that way; if someone else had been present and he hadn't been the one experiencing it, he would have given it the word "likeness." However, because he was the one in the situation, he was aware that you can't form an early attachment to someone, especially if you don't know them well.

Kabir's eyes narrow as he watches the unfolding scene before him. Anshika, her eyes flashing with fear, stands rigid, her arms crossed defensively. The other boy, a smirk twisting his face, reaches out to her, his hand extending like a snake ready to strike. The girl's eyes widen, her pupils constricting in terror, but she quickly masks it with a fierce anger, her face reddening.

Kabir can sense the tension, the air thick with unease. He sees the Anshika' s body language, her posture screaming vulnerability, and the other boy's mocking demeanor, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intent. Without hesitation, he strides towards them, his long legs eating up the distance.

Anshika's eyes did not dart to him as he drew nearer, for she was deep in debate with that youngster. With a firm yet soft grip, Kabir's hand tightens around her arm and he twists her towards him, guiding her away from the other boy's hold. Anshika is still rigid, but her body relaxes a little bit and her wrath and fear are evident.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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