Part 1

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POV: You & Him (Y/N = Your name, H/N = His name)

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POV: You & Him
(Y/N = Your name, H/N = His name)

Today was an oppressively humid day. You sat in the pavilion nestled within your favorite park, the usual refuge where you both sought solace in each other's company. Conversation flowed effortlessly here, punctuated by moments of comfortable silence. The secluded pavilion offered a respite from prying eyes, a haven where your love could bloom away from the glare of public scrutiny. Opposite the pavilion lay a serene pond, its tranquil surface adorned with delicate lily pads and colorful blooms. Surrounded by a tapestry of vibrant flowers, the pond exuded an aura of peace and serenity, a contrast to the uneasiness within your heart. And looming overhead, like silent sentinels standing guard, were the majestic weeping willows. Their cascading branches formed a natural canopy, shielding the pavilion from prying eyes and lending an air of seclusion to their clandestine meetings. The willows stood sentinel, their graceful boughs swaying in the breeze as if whispering secrets to the wind.

Yet, today felt different, a subtle shift in the air stirring unease within you. He was late, unusually so. Fifteen minutes stretched into an eternity as worry gnawed at your insides. "Where is he? Has something happened to him? " The questions hung heavy in your mind, fingers tapping nervously against the silent phone clutched in your hand. No reassuring message arrived, leaving you to grapple with the unfamiliar silence. It was out of character for him, this absence of communication. Despite the demands of his celebrity status, he always made time for you and texted you when something came up. Which happened very often in his job. But you had already gotten used to it. Being with a celebrity had its pros and cons.

Lately, the disadvantages outweigh. You had seen each other less and less. He was constantly immersed in a whirlwind of concerts, TV shows, and after-parties, surrounded by a sea of beautiful people, especially women who vied for his attention. Initially, it didn't bother you much. You held steadfast belief in his fidelity, confident that he would always return to you. Yet, recent behavior had sown seeds of doubt within you. He started acting strangely, and glimpses of messages from other women on his phone left a bitter taste lingering in your mouth. Though he never responded inappropriately, the doubts lingered, festering like an open wound. You tried to conceal these insecurities, but they gnawed at you relentlessly. You had even started changing your appearance to better fit into his world. Not least because rumors were doing the rounds. Were you still enough for him? Did he find solace in your company as he once did, or had you become a mere footnote in his glamorous life? Keeping your relationship under wraps to protect his career had always been a sacrifice you were willing to make. What mattered most was being with him, sharing every moment together.

Everything was so exhilarating in the beginning. Despite the whirlwind of everyday life, he never failed to carve out moments for you. Each morning brought a text from him, a gentle reminder that you were the first thought on his mind, wishing you a day filled with joy and warmth. "You shouldn't miss me too much ;)," he'd tease, his playful tone a balm to your soul. His messages never failed to draw a smile to your lips, infusing your day with a sense of brightness and anticipation. Every encounter, no matter how fleeting, was cherished, every stolen moment savored to the fullest. Together, you reveled in the simple pleasures of shared laughter and stolen glances, finding comfort in each other's embrace amidst the chaos of his demanding schedule. Each meeting was a precious oasis in the desert of his fame, a sanctuary where time stood still, and the rest of the world faded into insignificance.

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