Part 2

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A noise shattered the silence, drawing your attention away from your  reverie

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A noise shattered the silence, drawing your attention away from your reverie. Finally, he approached, his gaze fixed on the ground as he made his way to the pavilion. Rising from the bench, you moved to greet him, anticipation tinged with apprehension coursing through your veins. He walked up the stairs past you. No look, no kiss.

" everything okay? Did you get held up?" Your voice wavered slightly, the sinking feeling in your stomach spreading through your entire being. A chill swept over you, the oppressive sultriness of the day reaching its peak. The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the air, briefly silencing the song of the cicadas.

"Looks like a thunderstorm is about to start," you remarked, a twinge of unease creeping into your words. You hated thunderstorms, the sudden flashes of lightning and deafening crashes of thunder stirring fear within you. Yet, there was a memory that brought a fleeting sense of comfort amidst the impending storm.
Once, during a similar encounter, a loud clap of thunder made you flinch in shock. He immediately enveloped you in his protective embrace, soothing your fears with whispered reassurances. He stated that he would hold you until the storm had passed. You relaxed instantly into his embrace. He kept his promise and held you in his arms until it was over. In that moment, you felt a surge of love for him, a love that had been renewed and deepened. The memory of his comforting presence still lingered, a balm to your restless soul.

Brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear, you found yourself captivated by the sight of him leaning against the railing, his gaze fixed on the surface of the pond before him. A breeze stirred, causing a few petals to break free and drift gracefully onto the water's surface, where they floated like miniature boats. He averted his eyes momentarily, casting a fleeting glance at his shoes before meeting your gaze with unwavering intensity. His beauty was ethereal, a beacon of beauty amidst the gathering darkness of the nearing thunderstorm. You would never be able to get enough of this sight. Despite the distance between you, you felt an irresistible pull, a longing to bridge the distance between you, to bury your fingers in his hair and lose yourself in the softness of his lips. But his gaze held you in place, a silent barrier that kept you tethered to the moment.

"Let's break up, Y/N. There's no point anymore," his words hung heavy in the air, his gaze drifting past you into the distance. The weeping willows were stirred by a gust of wind followed by a sudden thunderclap that shattered the tense silence, mirroring the tumult raging within your chest. Something inside you broke, a sharp pang of pain echoing through your shattered heart.

"What are you talking about? You're not serious, are you? That's not funny, H/N," you protested, the disbelief evident in your trembling voice. But he remained resolute, crossing his arms defensively over his chest.

"It's not a joke anyway. I'm serious. It's over. I don't feel anything for you anymore. Every second more is a valuable waste of time," his words cut through the air like a knife, devoid of emotion. You felt a cold emptiness settle in your mind, your body going numb with the weight of his declaration.

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