Chapter 15: In the Depths of Darkness

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Venus had never understood Princess Serenity's fascination with Earth. Sure, the forest was beautiful, but it lacked the pure, ethereal beauty of the Moon Kingdom. Besides that, the mortal world was always sort of uncomfortable. The air here was thick with the odor of decaying leaves and musty ground, insects crawling over her, tickling and annoying her. It was nothing like the pristine environment of the moon. This place lacked any sort of refined charm.

Brushing yet another ant off her arm, she cursed softly and peered around the thick tree. A branch snagged her threadbare shirt, and she had to resist clobbering it. It was bad enough she was stuck in these ill-fitting peasant clothes, but having to sport rips would drive her mad.

 It was bad enough she was stuck in these ill-fitting peasant clothes, but having to sport rips would drive her mad

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Not even the strongest moonbeams could pierce through the thick tree canopy here. That meant she couldn't escape at a moment's notice and had to draw on her reserves for strength. For now, she was fine, but if Kunzite was any later, she'd have no choice but to leave.

Huffing, she glanced around nervously. She wasn't entirely sure that she'd actually found the right place. All the trees looked the same, and she'd relied on old maps to find the rendezvous location. So it was entirely possible that she was in the wrong place. Pulling at her uncomfortable bun, she scanned the area.

Yeah, Earth wasn't fun.

Just as she'd decided to leave, a rustle in the underbrush sounded through the still forest. Venus tensed, her muscles coiling like springs ready to react. While the forest wasn't silent, that sound was louder than the others—closer, and rather menacing.

The hairs on the back of her neck prickled as she strained to determine if it was friend or foe. The forest, usually filled with the gentle hum of life, seemed to hold its breath. Every leaf rustle, every twig snap amplified in the oppressive silence. The sound of her echoing heartbeat thudded in her ears. She tightened her grip on the hidden dagger in her sleeve, her mind racing through scenarios.

If it was an enemy, she would have to act swiftly and silently. But if it was Kunzite... She forced herself to stay calm, to focus, even as a bead of sweat trickled down her temple. The uncertainty gnawed at her, each passing second stretching her nerves tighter.

Suddenly, a hand clamped over her mouth.

Panic surged through her veins like wildfire. She struggled instinctively, her heart hammering against her ribcage as adrenaline flooded her system. The surrounding forest blurred as she twisted and writhed, desperately trying to free herself.

The rough skin of the hand over her mouth possessed strength and callouses from gripping a weapon. That meant they could kill her at any moment. An icy dread settled in her stomach. She never should have accepted this assignment.

"Shhh, it's me," the voice whispered in her ear.



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