Chapter 18: Shadows of Defeat

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Mercury crouched behind a stone tree, its petrified branches reaching skyward like twisted, frozen sentinels. Everything around her was cold and lifeless, a stark testament to the Dark Kingdom's growing influence. An unnatural chill filled the air, thick and freezing, draining warmth from her bones. The once-vibrant forest was now a graveyard of stone, each tree a silent witness to the devastation wrought by their enemies. Once covered in soft grass and fallen leaves, the ground now became hard and unforgiving. The very earth itself turned to unfeeling stone.

The Dark Kingdom had hit this area hard, siphoning away all life until nothing but a barren, petrified wasteland remained. The occasional whisper of wind, a mournful sound that seemed to echo the forest's lament, broke the eerie stillness. Mercury's breath came out in visible puffs, the cold biting at her skin despite her efforts to stay warm. Everything seemed to weigh her down, from the oppressive stillness to the absolute lack of anything alive.

Despite the urgency of their mission, her thoughts kept drifting back to Serenity. The Moon Princess suffered grave injuries during the last confrontation, disrupting her connection to the moon's power in a way that none of them fully understood. Serenity still hadn't recovered fully even days later.

Mercury had spent hours by her side, applying all her knowledge and skills to stabilize her. Even now, as she crouched in the lifeless forest, the image of Serenity lying pale and still haunted her. The only consolation she had was someone she'd never admit.

Casting a side glance at Zoisite, she tried to dismiss her feelings. He stood watch above her, his presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the lifeless forest. Over the past few months, they had grown closer, their bond forged in the fires of conflict. Now she felt at ease in his presence, trusting him implicitly.

Yet a gnawing fear persisted. What would happen once this war was over? The thought of being separated from him, forbidden from being together, gnawed at her heart. She longed to be with him, body, mind, and soul. The prospect of being apart felt unbearable.

A soft whisper from Zoisite broke through her thoughts. "Mercury, are you alright?"

She glanced back down at the tablet in her hands and cleared her throat. "Yes, yes. I'm fine. Just figuring out the last few steps."

The soft blue glow of the portable computer cast eerie shadows on the stone trees, making the haunted landscape even more menacing.

"You're worried about something."

"No, I'm not."

Zoisite smiled at her. "Don't lie to me. I can feel your anxiety."

Mercury blew some hair from her face, cursing the fated soul bond just a little. Now all the guardians knew that's the reason they'd been so drawn to their partners. Just like Serenity and Endymion, they'd all developed that sacred bond. But just like their princess, they were powerless to act on it.

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