43| Pregnant?

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Abhi became quite worrisome as he saw the bombarded messages and missed calls, as tears escaped from his eyes.

"How can I be so idiot?" He mentally abused himself as he palmed his face. "Something is really very serious at home!"

He tried calling to Akshu's phone but the phone was not being picked up by anyone at the other side,

He opened the messages. It was voice texts of Aadu's.

"Papa please come home! Mumma... mumma is not talking, she's been laying on the floor! Please come" the voice recording stated as Abhi rushes to home.

It was a 10 minutes long way to their home, Abhi's breath seemed to be on hold as his hands and legs were shaking. He reached home in a panic position.

He constantly rang the bells as Abhir went to open the door. "Junior, mumma!?" Abhi asked as Abhir pointed at his mother who was laying on the bare floor.

"Akshu!" Abhimanyu shouts as he sits on the ground and pats her face, keeping her head in his lap.

"Papa, what has happened to mumma?" Aadu asked while Abhi nods in no, and takes her to his car, making the kids sit with them only.

In the time span of 10 minutes, they reached the hospital. Abhi rushed to the hospital, as he takes her inside, his heartbeat kept on rising.
"Akshu! Please wake up!" Abhi kept on saying as he patted on Akshara's face again and again.

Doctors take Akshara inside to examine while Abhi stood outside with the kids, he looked at the faces of the traumatised kids as he bends down to their height.
He opens his arms for the hugs as the kids comes and hugs him tightly, as they started to cry.

Abhir was the first one to break the hug "papa" he said as Abhi cups his face,

"Yes junior?" Abhi asked as he kisses his junior

"Papa, promise me you won't let anything happen to mumma and chotu baby" Abhir said as Abhi looked at him in shock,

"What are you saying Abhir!" Aadu said while Abhi nods in yes.

"Papa, there's a chotu baby inside mumma.... We went to doctor aunty when we were in Udaipur, and she told us about the little baby, mumma told that little baby is extremely weak and she'll tell you after 3 months and we'll give you a surprise" Abhir said as tears rushes down Abhi's eyes.

He made the kids stand there and went near Akshu's ward keeping his head on the window, tears flowed through his eyes.

"Why Akshu why?" He thought in his mind as he looked at the kids who were standing nearby when a doctor comes from back

"Dr Birla, we need to have an immediate abortion of the child"

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