Chapter 13

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The next day was weird. Mobei-Jun tried nothing at all, only his gaze drifted after every move Shang Qinghua did. It almost looked accusing. But it was hard to tell. Even for him. Luo Binghe (he doubted Shen Qingqiu did it) had obviously talked with Mobei-Jun. That would explain the coldness that radiated even more around his king. Had he agreed to the request of Shang Qinghua staying and Shen Qingqiu visiting, because Luo Binghe gave him no choice, or was it because Shang Qinghua wasn't worth it? But otherwise, why would Mobei-Jun even bother to drag him against his will back to his palace, if Shang Qinghua wasn't worth it? Obviously he was troubled for some reason, because of something, but wasn't able to voice it? That sounded so much better in his ears, but an evil voice in his head always reminded him it was probably more, because Shang Qinghua wasn't worth it. He hated that voice. And wished it couldn't say anything, like his king. It made sense that it wasn't because of his worthlessness, but this little voice was not reasonable at all and it was hard to withstand that whispering. He had to talk to Jiayao, who already pointed his self worth issues out.

Also, he worried about how the others thought about it. Despite the development of things, Jiayao still had that telltale glint in his eyes and Shang Qinghua feared he might know more than was good for him. Especially after Shen Qingqiu indicated that there could be more feeling wise (from his king nonetheless). It still sounded weird and far-fetched... but others always had another point of view and he secretly hoped his bro was right. Shang Qinghua was slightly worried about Jiayao, he didn't know his father too well, but it seemed he had a knack for setting people up towards awkward situations, especially considering HOW they met him. Balls deep into another demon. He feared he would do something concerning Mobei-Jun and his new son....

The renegotiations were no problem at all. Only some new additions to the contract and the permission to visit whenever they wanted, mostly concerning Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu, and Mobei-Jun. They could bring others, but only in small numbers and only people they trusted. Shang Qinghua was glad and sad, as the others left him behind. Shen Qingqiu waved at him with his fan and mouthed 'good luck', Luo Binghe clapped him on the shoulder and whispered: "You got this. After considering everything, I don't think you're such a bad guy. Maybe we can start over. I know our past interactions weren't that flawless ... and also it means a lot towards Shen Qingqiu." Shang Qinghua gaped at that a little but nodded, then smiled. It meant much to him, hearing that from his 'son', even if it was mostly coming from his bro, only delivered through Luo Binghe. Maybe something also had changed concerning Luo Binghe. Shang Qinghua knew they had mostly met as he was still a servant under Mobei-Jun, a pathetic one... but he tried hard to change that, even against his king and maybe, for the first time Luo Binghe saw more in him and not just the pathetic servant. At least that left him hopeful, despite getting the freezing shoulder from his king and equally freezing gazes before they all left.

Somehow, he suddenly felt a lot more lonely after they were gone. It felt like he was abandoned. Even if he knew, that wasn't the case. He wanted to stay here; he had family here and he would get visits, at least from Shen Qingqiu. Nevertheless, it felt like he left a part of his life behind. A heavy pressure was resting on his chest, and it felt hard to breathe. He had to force himself to take some deep breaths, and he slowly settled himself against a small wall so he could gather his thoughts for a moment. Shang Qinghua wasn't alone, but being surrounded by almost foreign people, and leaving everything he knew behind, even for only a few... days, perhaps weeks, felt like he was torn from his world. He had switched between his peak and the demon realm regularly. But this was entirely different. His constant focus of attention was gone. Namely: Mobei-Jun. It was weird. Shang Qinghua still worried about their relationship, but knowing that he, for now, had nothing to do for his king, or having anxiety about doing something wrong for anyone, felt also like a heavy burden was lifted from his shoulders. It was an absolute chaos of feeling. He tried to make some sense of it. Also, he realized he didn't have this feeling with the people here. They seemed relaxed and not pressuring him to do something he didn't want to.

Shang Qinghua leaned against the wall for an indefinite time until he felt someone tugging at his robe. He looked down, only to see two identical faces looking up at him. Both smiled at him as he noticed Jiayi and Jiali.

"We wondered....", one girl started... "... If you want to play hide and seek with us?" The second girl continued, and both looked up at him with big, sparkly eyes. He couldn't say no to that.

"But I don't know my way around here!" Shang Qinghua objected weakly, and they both giggled.

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