Chapter 4.63 - Crashing

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Mod and Arsenal crept through the dark and nearly dried streets of Belport, staying clear of all Summit patrols.

It was easier than Mod would've thought. So many supers relied on light to see and marked their positions with searchlights and flashlights. They were easy to avoid, but Mod and Arsenal didn't take any chances. They stuck to back alleys but used buildings for cover when there was a broken window or busted door.

Mod made sure to get a spare fusion rifle and batteries from the nearest Fast-Response drone.

While they were traveling, TINA locked down their phones. They couldn't be tracked. It also meant they couldn't receive calls or monitor broadcasts, at least not until they got to their hideout.

They quickly made it to the West End.

In a mix of empty cafes, silent businesses, and apartments, Mod and Arsenal sought out one unmarked street. They leapt up to the fire escape, then climbed up to a window on the fifth floor.

Mod and Athena crouched by the window and peered into Athena's empty apartment. The lights were off, but they could see inside clearly. It looked unused, and exactly the same as the last time they'd see it.

Mod thought back to when Athena had brought them here during those first few weeks of Mod becoming a super. Memories flooded back to him—running across the rooftops for the first time and meeting Athena, trying to keep his powers secret from his roommate... Learning that Lock was a super. The fight in the mutagen warehouse, and after...

It felt like a lifetime ago now, even though it had only been a few months.

Clara huddled close to him on the fire escape. "Do you think it'll let us in?"

They technically didn't have permission this time, because Athena didn't know that they were coming. Athena had suddenly gone off grid when the war started. But they'd had permission to enter the saferoom before... Athena said that nothing beats magical encryption. They were about to find out if that was true.

Mod grasped the window. "Only one way to find out..."

The window slid open, and Mod carefully climbed inside.

The first time, Mod had felt a tingling sensation in his prosthetic arm. Now, he felt the same thing, except across his entire body. The sensation only lasted a moment, before subsiding. He wiggled his fingers, but everything still worked.

Arsenal climbed in behind him and shut the window.

The apartment reminded Mod of when his parents refinished their kitchen. Patches of spackle on the wall glowed softly in his UV vision. The wood floors were scuffed and unvarnished. Mismatched furniture lined the walls, and there weren't any electronics or appliances—not even a fridge or a stove.

While Arsenal went around to each window and pulled down the blinds, Mod checked the rest of the apartment. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom, each as sparse as the kitchen and living room.

Arsenal asked, "Is it safe back there?"

"No one's here."

"I mean the bathroom." Arsenal breathed a sigh of relief and excused herself.

Mod went back to the kitchen and checked the sink. Both hot and cold water came out of the faucet. That was good, but they'd need to do something about food.

He spent the next minute taking stock of the kitchen cabinets. There was an entire shelf dedicated to plain cola with random flavors stuffed in the back. Another cabinet was dedicated entirely to snacks—mostly chips and pretzels. Thankfully, Mod found real food after that. Athena kept exclusively canned and dried foods—all things that didn't need to be refrigerated. She also had several pots and hotplates stored in the cabinets.

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