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"Everything is gonna be okay."

"I know Akane and besides I am only here for a check up."

Just then the doctor enters in, "Hello I do apologies for keeping you two waiting." the doctor said sitting on a chair.

"Your here for the check up aren't you Miss..." the doctor looks over his notepad..."Hoshikawa?"

"Yes." the girl named Y/n Hosikawa was seen sitting on a chair, she had a six months belly being pregnant at 16 years old.

"Are you her sister?" the doctor asks, Akane looks at him a bit annoyed

"No I am a friend of hers, I just came to go along with her." Akane said, "She's just here for a check up."

"Oh I see." the doctor said looking at the two. "She'll need an examination please wait here." the doctor gets up as he leaves the room leaving the two girls in the room.

"Y/n..." Akane mumbles turning towards her friend. "Can you please remind me on how you and him broke up?"

"Well..." Y/n couldn't exactly explain to Akane on how she and her boyfriend broke up as it happened so fast one moment she tells him that she's pregnant the next he leaves her.

Y/n just shrugs, "I don't know we just both ended our relationship."

"And besides he won't even want to be involved with them anyway

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"And besides he won't even want to be involved with them anyway." Y/n says Akane groans

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As the day passed Y/n had been doing tests it was now night time, the results were finalized.

"The results are shown 26 weeks pregnant, twins."

"Twins?" Akane questions

"Twins." Y/n's eyes widen in shock that she's having twins, "Yes seems like healthy twins surprising for the fact that the girl is 16 years old." the doctor explains

"If there is anything else just let me know."

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"Y/n are you sure you wanna give birth?" Akane was pulling a blanket over Y/n, the two were in the girl's apartment, Akane was just gonna put her in bed and then leave

"If it gets out that your pregnant at 16 and decided to give birth." Akane looks at Y/n, "Then you're reputation will be done with."

Y/n is silent thinking, "I'll think about it." Y/n says

"Well if you make your choice I'll see ya." Akane leaves the girl's apartment leaving Y/n in the dark, she looks up at her roof thinking on what to do.


"At times like this it make me wonder what would've Mama or Papa do if they saw me now." She thinks.

"I was heartbroken by mama and papa's death wishing but mostly demanding to know who was responsible for their deaths as I have known that their death wasn't just a normal death someone must've done it for a reason." her stars turn black as she remembers her parents death.

"But then...I wanna have kids to raise of my own a family of my own I'll keep the whole thing a secret besides i'll make sure that they'll grow up." Y/n slowly closes her eyes

"I wonder what Ai would've done in my situation?"

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"Well I am shock that you even considered to go with it." Akane said, the two were baby shopping.

"Well I thought about it and I'll give birth." Y/n explain looking over baby clothes

"I actually believe that maybe a c section will do for you." Akane explained, Y/n turns to her confused.

"I am not a doctor but if one of your baby's skulls are large it'll be hard for them to come out especially for your build." Akane says grabbing a cute baby onesie.

"Ohhh." Y/n says, "But I am fine with doing normal childbirth besides as long as I am okay that's all I am fine with."

"Really?" Akane questions

"Don't worry about me Akane." Y/n smiles, "Besides they are my kids right? they'll definitely have my face I know."

"There you go again." Akane groans

"Maybe I became a mother for this very moment I'll make sure that they are safe and healthy." Y/n leaves along with Akane the two walking.

"I promise myself that I'll protect my children if I'm being honest Akane has been by my side through all this, I wonder if there is any hope for me to become an idol only time will tell."

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40 weeks later-Expected delivery date

"Thanks for you being here Akane." Y/n says as the nurse prepares her, "I am certainly happy and can't wait to see their little faces."

"I am sure that they'll definitely get your looks alright and might mostly, have you thought of names already?" Akane asked

"Yep and I thought about one based on my favorite actor i do wonder if one day I'll ever meet him." Y/n imagines meeting her favorite actor and asking him questions.

"I am sure you'll meet him." Akane says

13 minutes later

Y/n begins to give birth Akane is by her side holding her hand as y/n continues to give birth, she was thinking about her past.

"I think you'd be a good mother sweetie, loving your children with your whole heart."

"I'd imagine you have boys honestly."

"If there is a chance that you have a son name him Kaito always wanted a grandson named Kaito."

"If I wanted to..."


"I once had happiness in my life but it was gone however..."

Two cries are heard as Y/n smiles with happy tears in her eyes, holding her boys as the two cry.

"After all I believe that I was given a second chance to feel happy."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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