Chapter 1

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Offroad POV

"What!" Offroad stood screaming. His father had just promised the head of Rongyu Mafia they could keep him as collateral until his father could recover the missing goods that were stolen. When his father asked him to come along to a friendly dinner he thought it was strange but now he understood why. "You are crazy if you think I am staying here."

"Son please," his father growled. "It's only for a few days at most."

"We both know it's going to be more than that," Offroad growled back. He had it with his father. He didn't want any part of his father's life. He wanted to finish college and leave this place. Not get caught up in another one of his father's schemes. But here he was once more caught in some scheme of his father's going to be forced to clean it up again.

"It seems your son may know more than you?" The leader said puffing on a cigar that smelled absolutely horrendous.

"I promise you he doesn't know what he is talking about," Offroads father laughed nervously, giving Offroad a hard side-eye.

"Boy," The leader motioned to him to come here.

"My name is not, Boy," Offroad growled, crossing his arms over his chest and remaining where he stood. The leader smirked at him.

"Then please enlighten me as to what your name is?" The man asked leaning forward to flick his cigar into an ashtray.


"Well then Offroad come here," The man motioned once more. Offroad took a step forward. "Your father tells me the recovery is gonna take a few days and you are saying it's going to take longer. So tell me who is lying?"

"No one is lying. I just know my father," Offroad said, rolling his eyes. "He has no clue who took your...your...your belongings," Offroad said, tripping over the words. "He has no leads, so he is offering to leave me here until he can find the money to pay you back, which means he will go begging my grandfather saying some mafia gang has me held hostage. Or I am going to end up paying you myself."

"Ah, so he is a beggar?" The man asked. "And you or your grandfather has the money to pay me back?" Offroad had access to the trust that was originally his mother's and now his money was not an issue for him any longer. Something he did not want his father to know.

"Well, how much is it?" Offroad asked, unsure of exactly what was stolen from his father.

"700,000 dollars," The man told him. Offroads jaw fell open before closing it once more growling at his father who sat on the ground kneeling.

"Is that the actual price or your price?" Offroad asked. He majored in finance and knew everything was inflated.

"That's what I would have earned after selling it plus the cost." The man said, straightening his suit.

"So what, my father was your distributor?" Offroad asked.


"So what would my father have earned from this deal?" Offroad asked.

"It was a million-dollar deal, the cost was about $100,000, my profit was going to be $600,000, and your father's $300,000." The man explained.

"Okay, so then we call it, $400,000 you are owed," Offroad informed him.

"Please tell me where you are getting that number?" The man laughed looking mockingly at the men he had standing behind him.

"You weren't the only one losing out here," Offroad argued. "My father had the most risk involved and is now out $300,000 in profit. So deduct that from the $600,000 profit you were expecting and add in the cost you get $400,000."

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