Chapter 14

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Daou POV

Daou sat at the bar waiting for Sea to arrive. When he had called the boy he had heard him fussing with someone in the background and assumed it was Offroad. The bartender was approaching him once again to ask if he wanted something to drink but the glare from Daou had him turning and walking back to the other end of the bar. Daou was trying to mentally prepare himself for the fight that was going to be coming. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath when he heard something smacked down in front of him. Daou opened his eyes to see $20,000 sitting in front of him and turned to look at a very annoyed-looking Sea.

"Give this back to your fiancé," Sea said signaling to the cash.

"What?" Daou asked, confused as his eyes went back and forth between the cash and Sea.

"It wouldn't let me transfer it back to him," Sea said, rolling his eyes, hopping up on a bar stool, and calling for the bartender. "Gin and tonic please," he said to the bartender.

"I'm sorry, why did Offroad transfer you $20,000?" Daou asked, picking up the cash.

"To hear your voice," Sea said as he reached over, pulling $20 out of the stack and handing it over to the bartender. "19,980 dollars now."

"I'm sorry you are going to have to elaborate-"

"Oh my god," Sea sighed, rubbing his temples. "When you called Offroad was already there to bug me to call you so when I answered I didn't put the phone on speaker phone I told him he had to send me 20k he did but then I felt bad afterwards."

"And why did you feel bad?" Daou asked, putting the money into his inner jacket pocket.

"Cause," Sea sighed once more, fiddling with his glass. "Cause I put it on speaker phone and I had to watch his face fall as you asked me to meet you here,"

"Right, I know. Where is he?" Daou asked, looking around.

"Daou," Sea whined. "You are such a fucking idiot,"


"He isn't here with me, he ran away crying," Sea informed him. "What did you expect him to think when you invited me here to our spot?"

"I thought he would follow you since he had been bugging you to get a hold of me?" Daou asked.

"He thinks you want me here to fuck me, you moron," Sea said, downing the rest of his drink and slamming the empty glass onto the bar top. "You know when I told you to let it go and move on, I didn't actually mean let him the fuck go," Sea sighed. "The boy paid me half a million to stay away from you, another $20,000 to hear your voice. He banished his best friend from childhood to another country. He paid Jet's hospital bills and made sure he got the best doctors. Risked his life to save us and made sure you got the information to find whoever-

"Hold on. He did what?" Daou asked, interrupting him.

"Banished his best friend to another country?" Sea asked.

"No, the thing about Jet?" Daou said.

"He paid his hospital bills and his physical therapy bills and made sure the best doctors treated him. Jack was there when he apologized." Sea said. "Did he not tell you?"


"Huh I didn't think they would actually keep it from you," Sea said surprised.

"How do you know?" Daou asked.

"He forced me to go with him to make sure the coast was clear, he didn't want to run into you, you were still pretty pissed in those days," Sea informed him.

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