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October 21st, 2000.

I wake up to a knocking on the door downstairs. Clutching my stuffed purple cow to my chest, my nightgown falls to my knees as i stand and get out of bed. Curiosity gets the better of me, even though I know I shouldn't be out of bed—especially at 10:30 andddd when mama has already tucked me in twice.

I start to eavesdrop on my mother's conversation while I slowly turn the doorknob and peek my head outside. My mothers as well as a strangers voice becomes clearer as I tip toe closer to the railing. Crouching down poking my head through the railing to see her and a boy talking in hushed whispers. Something about a camp?

"Is that you Eleanor" My mom says without even looking up. I pout crossing my arms.

"How did you even know I was here? I was so sneaky this time!" I start to walk step by step down the stairs, holding onto the railing. Cautiously making it down the stairs turning the corner and running to her, hiding behind her leg while holding on looking up to the stranger standing at the door. He looks older, around 11 or 12, with sandy blond hair.

"Honey, why don't you go wait up stairs, i'll be there in just a second." Mama says while rubbing up and down my back. Before she listens to her mother, she looks at the boy.

"Hi!" I say shyly while looking at him with big blue eyes.

"Hey kiddo." He says back smiling sadly at me.

"Why do you look so sad-" I was saying but before I finished mama cut me off telling me to go upstairs and to pack my explorer bag. Knowing the drill, I don't ask questions and run back upstairs still holding Cow Cow, the stuffed cow.

See, me and my mom have this deal, if she tells me to pack my explorer bag, I do so no questions asked. She told me it means we're going on a fun adventure! I've done it a few times, we'd go out to ice cream, or the park, and one time we even drove to the beach!  I wonder where we'll go now, and with my new friend!

I finish packing and changed into the clothes mom laid out for me. I slowly walk back downstairs, my feet dragging a little, I've always begged my mom to let me stay up this late, but she has always said no. I now know why.

The mystery boy and my mom come back into my view as i slowly make my way towards them, smiling tiredly at the two as I shuffle my feet. My smile wavering for the first time that night seeing the panicked looks on their faces.

"Mama? Whats wrong?" I walk up to her  reaching as far as my arms will go putting my small hands on her stomach. She finally looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Honey, on this adventure, you're going to have to go without me. You are going to go with this nice young man, his name's Luke! He's going to take you to a camp, you'll be there for a little while, ok? But you'll have so much fun! You'll meet so many new people, and-" I cut her off.

"Why can't you come to this camp with me? I-i don't want to leave you mama! You said you'd take me out to Chilis for my birthday tomorrow! Will I be back in time? I reallly want the Ice cream fudge cake thing, remember? You said you'd get us one to share!" I start spilling out words, to make my mom let me stay.

"Sunny, I-" Mom got cut off by this loud roar outside. I look around confused as I run to the closed window to try to peek outside. But before I got there I was hoisted into the air and pulled away.

"We really need to get going Mrs. Carter" Luke said putting me down, grabbing my hand as he starts pulling me towards the door. I pull away from him and run to the arms of my mama.

"Sunny" She whispers pulling me into a tight hug. "I love you so so much, remember that. And your dad loves you, and you'll always have people who love you, never forget that. You have to go now hun, I'll see you soon, I put some extra things in your bag. Snacks, waters, and a little present for the big, big, girl who's turning 7 tomorrow!" She said with a smile on her face. Tears glistening in her eyes.

I opened my mouth to respond when BLAST everyone flew back due to an explosion breaking front door down. Three ladies come walking through the door with terrifying looks on their faces.

"M-mama?" I said weekly, my head throbbing as I lay still on the floor.

"Shh baby, I'm here. Mama's got you." She kisses my forehead. I look up at her as she caresses my face. Three shadows casted over us but before I could warn her something takes a hold of my mom holding her high above the ground.

"Mrs. Carter!" Luke yelled as he pulled out some shiny pointy thing.

"No! Luke, grab Eleanor and get out of here!" She yells louder then I think I have ever heard her yell before. I'm slowly loosing my vision, but I feel arms pick me up. I try to look around but it hurts too much, I cant see mama. Luke turns one more time to the sound of my mom"RUN" She yells right before one of the ladies thrusts her claws into her stomach, twisting and turning, before pulling out a chunk of mama. My eyes widen tears streaming down my face. Mama looks at me reaching out her hand before turning to dust.

"Mama!" I yell with a sob. Luke pushes my head into his chest to try and hide me from the horrific view. "Mama! Where did Mama go-!

I jolt awake. Quickly sitting up almost hitting my head on the bed above. A tear slowly rolls down my cheek, catching on my nose. I try to catch my breath. Forcefully wiping it away as I look around trying to familiarize myself with my surroundings again.

"Bad dream?" I hear a voice say, looking up and locking eyes with my half brother, Lee Fletcher who has that concerned older brother look on his face.

"What?" I say confused before his words finally registered in my head. "Uh, no. No. Just startled by the sound, thats all." I say lying, making sure any trace of sadness of my now smiling face, is gone.
1132 words 🤗
I hope you like it, there prob some spelling errors but oh well. I'll try to make another upload tonight or tomorrow!

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